2024-05-11 14:45:50 +03:00

14 lines
906 B

# TransactionStore
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**ErrorIfDuplicateHash** | **bool** | Break if the submitted transaction exists already. | [optional] [default to null]
**ApplyRules** | **bool** | Whether or not to apply rules when submitting transaction. | [optional] [default to null]
**FireWebhooks** | **bool** | Whether or not to fire the webhooks that are related to this event. | [optional] [default to true]
**GroupTitle** | **string** | Title of the transaction if it has been split in more than one piece. Empty otherwise. | [optional] [default to null]
**Transactions** | [**[]TransactionSplitStore**](TransactionSplitStore.md) | | [default to null]
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