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# RuleTrigger
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Id** | **string** | | [optional] [default to null]
**CreatedAt** | [**time.Time**](time.Time.md) | | [optional] [default to null]
**UpdatedAt** | [**time.Time**](time.Time.md) | | [optional] [default to null]
**Type_** | [***RuleTriggerKeyword**](RuleTriggerKeyword.md) | | [default to null]
**Value** | **string** | The accompanying value the trigger responds to. This value is often mandatory, but this depends on the trigger. | [default to null]
**Prohibited** | **bool** | If 'prohibited' is true, this rule trigger will be negated. 'Description is' will become 'Description is NOT' etc. | [optional] [default to false]
**Order** | **int32** | Order of the trigger | [optional] [default to null]
**Active** | **bool** | If the trigger is active. Defaults to true. | [optional] [default to true]
**StopProcessing** | **bool** | When true, other triggers will not be checked if this trigger was triggered. Defaults to false. | [optional] [default to false]
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