This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
"PVDZ_plr_Death" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_id = (_this select 1) spawn server_playerDied};
"PVDZ_plr_Save" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_id = (_this select 1) call server_playerSync;};
"PVDZ_plr_SwitchMove" addPublicVariableEventHandler {((_this select 1) select 0) switchMove ((_this select 1) select 1);}; //Needed to execute switchMove on server machine. rSwitchMove only executes on other clients
"PVDZ_obj_Publish" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call server_publishObj}; //Used by built items (Epoch and Vanilla)
"PVDZ_veh_Save" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call server_updateObject};
"PVDZ_plr_Login1" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_id = (_this select 1) call server_playerLogin};
"PVDZ_plr_Login2" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call server_playerSetup};
"PVDZ_plr_LoginRecord" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_id = (_this select 1) spawn dayz_recordLogin};
"PVDZ_obj_Destroy" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call server_deleteObj};
"PVDZ_plr_Delete" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn sched_co_deleteVehicle}; // Delete hided players
"PVDZ_send" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call server_sendToClient};
//"PVDZ_dayzCarBomb" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[_this select 1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\detonate_bomb.sqf";};
//[player,[medical Array]];
"PVDZ_playerMedicalSync" addPublicVariableEventHandler { (_this select 1) call server_medicalSync; ((_this select 1) select 0) setVariable["Medical",((_this select 1) select 1),false]; }; //diag_log format["%1 - %2",((_this select 1) select 0),((_this select 1) select 1)]; };
"PVDZE_maintainArea" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn server_maintainArea};
"PVDZE_obj_Swap" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn server_swapObject}; //Used to downgrade and upgrade Epoch buildables
"PVDZE_veh_Publish2" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call server_publishVeh2}; //Used to purchase vehicles at traders
"PVDZE_veh_Upgrade" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn server_publishVeh3}; //Used for car upgrades
"PVDZE_obj_Trade" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn server_tradeObj}; //Logs trading
"PVDZE_plr_DeathB" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn server_deaths};
"PVDZE_handleSafeGear" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call server_handleSafeGear};
"SK_changeCode" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call server_changeCode};
if (dayz_groupSystem) then {
"PVDZ_Server_UpdateGroup" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn server_updateGroup};
"PVDZE_PingSend" addPublicVariableEventHandler {PVDZE_PingReceived = 1; (owner (_this select 1)) publicVariableClient "PVDZE_PingReceived";};
"PVDZ_Server_Simulation" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
local _agent = (_this select 1) select 0;
local _control = (_this select 1) select 1;
_agent enableSimulation _control;
"PVDZ_obj_Delete" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
local _obj = (_this select 1) select 0;
local _player = (_this select 1) select 1;
local _type = typeOf _obj;
local _dis = _player distance _obj;
if (_type in Dayz_plants) then {
if (_dis < 3) then {
deleteVehicle _obj;
if (_type == "Blood_Trail_DZ") then {
deleteVehicle _obj;
//Make sure object is a cardboardbox and make sure the player distance is under 15 meters from object
if (_type iskindOf "CardboardBox") then {
if (_dis < 15) then {
deleteVehicle _obj;
"PVDZ_serverStoreVar" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
local _obj = (_this select 1) select 0;
local _name = (_this select 1) select 1;
local _value = (_this select 1) select 2;
_obj setVariable [_name, _value];
"PVDZ_sec_atp" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
local _y = _this select 1;
call {
if (typeName _y == "STRING") exitwith { // just some logs from the client
diag_log _y;
if (count _y == 2) exitwith { // wrong side
diag_log format["P1ayer %1 reports possible 'side' hack. Server may be compromised!",(_y select 1) call fa_plr2Str];
// player hit
local _source = _y select 1;
if (!isNull _source) then {
local _unit = _y select 0;
diag_log format ["P1ayer %1 hit by %2 %3 from %4 meters in %5 for %6 damage",
_unit call fa_plr2Str, if (!isPlayer _source && alive _source) then {"AI"} else {_source call fa_plr2Str}, _y select 2, _y select 3, _y select 4, _y select 5];
"PVDZ_objgather_Knockdown" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
local _tree = (_this select 1) select 0;
local _player = (_this select 1) select 1;
local _dis = _player distance _tree;
local _name = if (alive _player) then {name _player} else {"DeadPlayer"};
local _uid = getPlayerUID _player;
local _treeModel = _tree call fn_getModelName;
if (_dis < 30 && {_treeModel in dayz_trees or (_treeModel in dayz_plant)} && {_uid != ""}) then {
_tree setDamage 1;
dayz_choppedTrees set [count dayz_choppedTrees,_tree];
diag_log format["Server setDamage on tree or plant %1 chopped down by %2(%3)",_treeModel,_name,_uid];
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
private ["_unit","_variable","_arraytosend","_owner","_vehicle","_qty","_exitReason"];
//Inbound [_unit,"PVCDZ_hlt_Transfuse",[_unit,player,1000]]
_unit = _this select 0;
_variable = _this select 1;
_arraytosend = _this select 2;
_owner = owner _unit;
_exitReason = "";
// Add security for higher risk PVDZ_Send usage
if (_variable in ["Unconscious","DragPlayer","DropPlayer","Legs","RemoveObject","CarryPlayer","LoadWounded","UnloadWounded"]) then {
private ["_verifyArray","_objPos","_clientKey","_activatingPlayer","_playerUID"];
_verifyArray = _this select 3;
_objPos = _verifyArray select 0; // can be object or position
_clientKey = _verifyArray select 1;
_activatingPlayer = _verifyArray select 2;
_playerUID = getPlayerUID _activatingPlayer;
_exitReason = [_verifyArray,_variable,_objPos,_clientKey,_playerUID,_activatingPlayer] call server_verifySender;
//diag_log text format ["server_sendToClient: Player [%1:%2] used function %3 on/at %4.",(name _activatingPlayer),_playerUID,_variable,_objPos];
if (_exitReason != "") exitWith {diag_log _exitReason};
//diag_log format ["%1, %2, %3, %4", _unit, _variable, _arraytosend, _owner];
call {
if (_variable == "VehHandleDam") exitWith {
_vehicle = _arraytosend select 0;
if (local _vehicle) then {
_arraytosend call fnc_veh_handleDam;
} else {
PVCDZ_veh_SH = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_veh_SH";
if (_variable == "SetFuel") exitWith {
_vehicle = _arraytosend select 0;
_qty = _arraytosend select 1;
if (local _vehicle) then {
_vehicle setFuel _qty;
} else {
PVCDZ_veh_SetFuel = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_veh_SetFuel";
if (_variable == "SetEngineState") exitWith {
_vehicle = _arraytosend select 0;
_state = _arraytosend select 1;
if (local _vehicle) then {
_vehicle engineOn _state;
_vehicle setOwner _owner;
} else {
PVCDZ_veh_engineSwitch = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_veh_engineSwitch";
if (_variable == "GutBody") exitWith {
PVCDZ_obj_GutBody = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_obj_GutBody";
if (_variable == "Humanity") exitWith {
PVCDZ_plr_Humanity = _arraytosend select 0;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_Humanity";
//diag_log ("Humanity" +str(PVCDZ_plr_Humanity));
if (_variable == "dayzSetDate") exitWith {
dayzSetDate = dayz_storeTimeDate;
_owner publicVariableClient "dayzSetDate";
//diag_log ("Time and date: " +str (dayz_storeTimeDate));
if (_variable == "Transfuse") exitWith {
PVCDZ_hlt_Transfuse = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_hlt_Transfuse";
if (_variable == "Painkiller") exitWith {
PVCDZ_hlt_PainK = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_hlt_PainK";
if (_variable == "Morphine") exitWith {
PVCDZ_hlt_Morphine = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_hlt_Morphine";
if (_variable == "Epinephrine") exitWith {
PVCDZ_hlt_Epi = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_hlt_Epi";
if (_variable == "Bandage") exitWith {
PVCDZ_hlt_Bandage = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_hlt_Bandage";
if (_variable == "Antibiotics") exitWith {
PVCDZ_hlt_AntiB = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_hlt_AntiB";
if (_variable == "AntiBacterialWipe") exitWith {
PVCDZ_hlt_Wipe = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_hlt_Wipe";
if (_variable == "Legs") exitWith {
PVCDZ_plr_Legs = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_Legs";
if (_variable == "tagFriendly") exitWith {
PVDZE_plr_FriendRQ = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVDZE_plr_FriendRQ";
if (_variable == "Unconscious") exitWith {
PVDZ_receiveUnconscious = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVDZ_receiveUnconscious";
if (_variable == "DragPlayer") exitWith {
PVDZ_drg_RaDrag = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVDZ_drg_RaDrag";
if (_variable == "DropPlayer") exitWith {
PVDZ_drg_RaDrop = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVDZ_drg_RaDrop";
if (_variable == "CarryPlayer") exitWith {
PVDZ_drg_RaCarry = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVDZ_drg_RaCarry";
if (_variable == "LoadWounded") exitWith {
PVDZ_drg_RaLW = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVDZ_drg_RaLW";
if (_variable == "UnloadWounded") exitWith {
PVDZ_drg_RaUW = _arraytosend;
_owner publicVariableClient "PVDZ_drg_RaUW";
if (_variable == "RemoveObject") exitWith {
PVDZE_obj_Remove = _arraytosend;
_pOwner = owner _x;
if (isPlayer _x && {_pOwner != _owner}) then {
_pOwner publicVariableClient "PVDZE_obj_Remove";
} forEach playableUnits;
diag_log format ["%1, %2, %3, %4", _unit, _variable, _arraytosend, _owner];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user