This commit is contained in:
2022-04-21 16:15:41 +03:00
commit 9d4fc88901
601 changed files with 66252 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// Return the closest position from array to the positionA.
// In: [positionA,[array of positions]]
// Out: positionB
private ["_pA","_ps","_p1","_p2"];
_pA = _this select 0;
_ps = _this select 1;
_p1 = _ps select 0;
if (count _ps > 1) then {
for "_i" from 1 to (count _ps - 1) do {
_p2 = _ps select _i;
if ((_p2 distance _pA) < (_p1 distance _pA)) then {
_p1 = _p2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// In: marker
// Out: array of positions
private ["_area","_corners"];
_area = _this;
_corners = [];
// Center point
private ["_center","_centerX","_centerY"];
_center = getMarkerPos _area;
_centerX = _center select 0;
_centerY = _center select 1;
// Direction and make sure it's between 0 and 360.
private ["_dir","_dirCos","_dirSin"];
_dir = (markerDir _area) * -1;
_dir = _dir % 360;
_dirCos = cos _dir;
_dirSin = sin _dir;
// Size
private ["_size","_sizeX","_sizeY"];
_size = getMarkerSize _area;
_sizeX = _size select 0;
_sizeY = _size select 1;
private ["_cosX","_sinX","_cosY","_sinY","_addX","_addY","_subX","_subY"];
_cosX = _dirCos * _sizeX;
_sinX = _dirSin * _sizeX;
_cosY = _dirCos * _sizeY;
_sinY = _dirSin * _sizeY;
_addX = _cosX + _sinY;
_addY = _sinX + _cosY;
_subX = _cosX - _sinY;
_subY = _sinX - _cosY;
private ["_posX","_posY"];
// Bottom Left
_posX = _centerX - _subX;
_posY = _centerY - _addY;
_corners set [0,[_posX,_posY]];
// Top Left
_posX = _centerX - _addX;
_posY = _centerY - _subY;
_corners set [1,[_posX,_posY]];
// Top Right
_posX = _centerX + _subX;
_posY = _centerY + _addY;
_corners set [2,[_posX,_posY]];
// Bottom Right
_posX = _centerX + _addX;
_posY = _centerY + _subY;
_corners set [3,[_posX,_posY]];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
// In: marker
// Out: string (marker shape)
private ["_size","_x","_y","_ret"];
_size = markersize _this;
_x = _size select 0;
_y = _size select 1;
_ret = "";
switch (tolower(markershape _this)) do {
case "rectangle": {
if (_x == _y) then {
_ret = "SQUARE";
} else {
_ret = "RECTANGLE";
case "ellipse": {
if (_x == _y) then {
_ret = "CIRCLE";
} else {
_ret = "ELLIPSE";
case "icon": {
_ret = "ICON";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// In: [position,distance,direction]
// Out: position
private ["_pos","_dst","_dir","_orgX","_orgY","_posX","_posY"];
_pos = _this select 0;
_dst = _this select 1;
_dir = _this select 2;
_orgX = _pos select 0;
_orgY = _pos select 1;
_posX = _orgX + (_dst * sin _dir);
_posY = _orgY + (_dst * cos _dir);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
// In: marker
// Out: position
// Center point
private ["_center","_centerX","_centerY"];
_center = getMarkerPos _this;
_centerX = _center select 0;
_centerY = _center select 1;
// Size
private ["_size"];
_size = getMarkerSize _this;
_size = _size select 0;
// Randomly pick a direction,
private ["_dir","_posX","_posY","_rand","_pos"];
_dir = random 360;
_rand = sqrt random 1;
_posX = (_size * (cos _dir)) * _rand;
_posY = (_size * (sin _dir)) * _rand;
_pos = [_posX,_posY];
_posX = _centerX + (_pos select 0);
_posY = _centerY + (_pos select 1);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// In: ellipseMarker
// Out: position
// Center point
private ["_center","_centerX","_centerY"];
_center = getMarkerPos _this;
_centerX = _center select 0;
_centerY = _center select 1;
// Direction and make sure it's between 0 and 360.
private ["_dirMrk"];
_dirMrk = (markerDir _this) * -1;
_dirMrk = _dirMrk % 360;
// Size
private ["_size","_sizeX","_sizeY"];
_size = getMarkerSize _this;
_sizeX = _size select 0;
_sizeY = _size select 1;
// If B axis is longer than A, switch them and fix direction.
if (_sizeX < _sizeY) then {
_sizeX = _size select 1;
_sizeY = _size select 0;
_dirMrk = _dirMrk + 90;
// Randomly pick a direction,
private ["_dir","_posX","_posY","_rand","_pos"];
_dir = random 360;
_rand = sqrt random 1;
_posX = (_sizeX * (cos _dir)) * _rand;
_posY = (_sizeY * (sin _dir)) * _rand;
_pos = [_posX,_posY];
if (_dirMrk != 0) then {
_pos = [_pos,_dirMrk] call SHK_pos_fnc_rotatePosition;
_posX = _centerX + (_pos select 0);
_posY = _centerY + (_pos select 1);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// In: marker
// Out: position
// Center point
private ["_center","_centerX","_centerY"];
_center = getMarkerPos _this;
_centerX = _center select 0;
_centerY = _center select 1;
// Size
private ["_size","_sizeX","_sizeY"];
_size = getMarkerSize _this;
_sizeX = _size select 0;
_sizeY = _size select 1;
// Direction and make sure it's between 0 and 360.
private ["_dir","_dirCos","_dirSin"];
_dir = (markerDir _this) * -1;
_dir = _dir % 360;
_dirCos = cos _dir;
_dirSin = sin _dir;
private ["_rndX","_rndY","_posX","_posY"];
// Select random X and Y
_rndX = (random (_sizeX * 2)) - _sizeX;
_rndY = (random (_sizeY * 2)) - _sizeY;
// If area is angled, shift X and Y
if (_dir != 0) then {
_posX = _centerX + (_dirCos * _rndX - _dirSin * _rndY);
_posY = _centerY + (_dirSin * _rndX + _dirCos * _rndY);
} else {
_posX = _centerX + _rndX;
_posY = _centerY + _rndY;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// In: marker
// Out: position
// Center point
private ["_center","_centerX","_centerY"];
_center = getMarkerPos _this;
_centerX = _center select 0;
_centerY = _center select 1;
// Size
private ["_size"];
_size = getMarkerSize _this;
_size = _size select 0;
// Direction and make sure it's between 0 and 360.
private ["_dir","_dirCos","_dirSin"];
_dir = (markerDir _this) * -1;
_dir = _dir % 360;
_dirCos = cos _dir;
_dirSin = sin _dir;
private ["_rndX","_rndY","_posX","_posY"];
// Select random X and Y
_rndX = (random (_size * 2)) - _size;
_rndY = (random (_size * 2)) - _size;
// If area is angled, shift X and Y
if (_dir != 0) then {
_posX = _centerX + (_dirCos * _rndX - _dirSin * _rndY);
_posY = _centerY + (_dirSin * _rndX + _dirCos * _rndY);
} else {
_posX = _centerX + _rndX;
_posY = _centerY + _rndY;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
// In: [position,blackListMarker]
// Out: boolean
private ["_pos","_area","_return"];
_pos = _this select 0;
_area = _this select 1;
_return = false;
// Find corner positions of the rectangle
private ["_dir"];
_dir = markerDir _area;
_dir = _dir % 360;
// Center point
private ["_center","_centerX","_centerY"];
_center = getMarkerPos _area;
_centerX = _center select 0;
_centerY = _center select 1;
private ["_shape"];
_shape = _area call SHK_pos_fnc_getMarkerShape;
if (_shape == "ICON") then {
// Icon has only one position, so if it equals to the given position, then it's blacklisted.
if ([_pos,_center] call SHK_pos_fnc_isSamePosition) then {
_return = true;
// Markers that have an area.
} else {
if (_shape in ["RECTANGLE","SQUARE"]) then {
private ["_corners"];
_corners = _area call SHK_pos_fnc_getMarkerCorners;
// If rectangle is not axis-aligned.
if (_dir % 90 != 0) then {
// Add the point position to the array to have it shifted by the FOR below
_corners set [4,_pos];
// Rotate each corner position so that the rectangle is aligned with x and y axises
// Use origo as center while rotating, but for comparison shift positions back
private ["_posCor","_posNew","_orgX","_orgY","_shiftedX","_shiftedY","_newX","_newY"];
for "_i" from 0 to (count _corners - 1) do {
_posCor = _corners select _i;
// Original coordinates
_orgX = _posCor select 0;
_orgY = _posCor select 1;
// Subtract the marker center coordinates from corner coordinates.
// Rotation is done using origo (0,0) as anchor/centerpoint.
_shiftedX = _orgX - _centerX;
_shiftedY = _orgY - _centerY;
// Axis-aligned corner position
_posNew = [[_shiftedX,_shiftedY],_dir] call SHK_pos_fnc_rotatePosition;
// Shift the aligned corner position back near to the original marker location.
_newX = _posNew select 0;
_newY = _posNew select 1;
_newX = _newX + _centerX;
_newY = _newY + _centerY;
_posCor = [_newX,_newY];
_corners set [_i,_posCor];
// Point position
_pos = _corners select 4;
// Check if the position is within the marker area.
_return = [_pos,_corners] call SHK_pos_fnc_isInRectangle;
} else {
if (_shape == "CIRCLE") then {
_return = [_pos,_area] call SHK_pos_fnc_isInCircle;
} else {
_return = [_pos,_area] call SHK_pos_fnc_isInEllipse;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// In: [position,marker]
// Out: boolean
private ["_pos","_area","_posX","_posY"];
_pos = _this select 0;
_area = _this select 1;
_posX = _pos select 0;
_posY = _pos select 1;
// Center point
private ["_center","_centerX","_centerY"];
_center = getMarkerPos _area;
_centerX = _center select 0;
_centerY = _center select 1;
// Size
private ["_size"];
_size = getMarkerSize _area;
_size = _size select 0;
// Difference in coordinates
private ["_difX","_difY"];
_difX = _posX - _centerX;
_difY = _posY - _centerY;
private ["_return"];
_return = false;
// If distance from center of marker to the given position is
// smaller than the radius of the circle, then position is inside.
if (sqrt((_difX * _difX) + (_difY * _difY)) < _size) then {
_return = true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// In: [position,ellipseMarker]
// Out: boolean
private ["_pos","_area","_return"];
_pos = _this select 0;
_area = _this select 1;
_return = false;
// Ellipse size
private ["_size","_sizeX","_sizeY"];
_size = getMarkerSize _area;
_sizeX = _size select 0;
_sizeY = _size select 1;
// Direction and make sure it's between 0 and 360.
private ["_dir"];
_dir = markerDir _area;
_dir = _dir % 360;
// Ellipse center position
private ["_center","_centerX","_centerY"];
_center = getMarkerPos _area;
_centerX = _center select 0;
_centerY = _center select 1;
// If marker is not axis-aligned, rotate the dot position.
if (_dir % 90 != 0) then {
private ["_orgX","_orgY","_shiftedX","_shiftedY"];
_orgX = _pos select 0;
_orgY = _pos select 1;
_shiftedX = _orgX - _centerX;
_shiftedY = _orgY - _centerY;
_pos = [[_shiftedX,_shiftedY],_dir] call SHK_pos_fnc_rotatePosition;
_pos set [0,(_pos select 0) + _centerX];
_pos set [1,(_pos select 1) + _centerY];
// Dot position
private ["_posX","_posY"];
_posX = _pos select 0;
_posY = _pos select 1;
// Distance between dot and ellipse center
private ["_dstX","_dstY"];
_dstX = abs(_posX - _centerX);
_dstY = abs(_posY - _centerY);
private ["_sum"];
_sum = ((_dstX * _dstX)/(_sizeX * _sizeX)) + ((_dstY * _dstY)/(_sizeY * _sizeY));
if (_sum <= 1) then {
_return = true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
// In: [pointPosition,corners]
// Out: boolean
private ["_pos","_corners","_return"];
_pos = _this select 0;
_corners = _this select 1;
_return = false;
private ["_dotX","_dotY","_bottomLeft","_left","_bottom","_topRight","_right","_top"];
_dotX = _pos select 0;
_dotY = _pos select 1;
_bottomLeft = _corners select 0;
_left = _bottomLeft select 0;
_bottom = _bottomLeft select 1;
_topRight = _corners select 2;
_right = _topRight select 0;
_top = _topRight select 1;
// x is between left and right
// y is between bottom and top
if (_dotX >= _left && _dotX < _right && _dotY >= _bottom && _dotY < _top) then {
_return = true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// In: [array1,array2]
// Out: boolean
private ["_p1","_p2","_return"];
_p1 = _this select 0;
_p2 = _this select 1;
_return = true;
// Only compare X and Y coordinates, ignore Z.
for "_i" from 0 to 1 do {
if ((_p1 select _i) != (_p2 select _i)) exitwith {
_return = false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// In: [position,direction]
// Out: position
private ["_pos","_dir","_orgX","_orgY","_newX","_newY"];
_pos = _this select 0;
_dir = _this select 1;
_orgX = _pos select 0;
_orgY = _pos select 1;
_newX = (_orgX * (cos _dir)) - (_orgY * (sin _dir));
_newY = (_orgX * (sin _dir)) + (_orgY * (cos _dir));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
/* Select a random position based on anchor position, direction and distance.
In: [position,distance,direction,water,road,emptySpace]
Out: position
private ["_org","_dst","_dir","_pos","_water","_road","_empty"];
_org = _this select 0;
_dst = _this select 1;
_dir = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {random 360};
_water = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {0};
_road = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {[0,200]};
_empty = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {[]};
// Object instead of position array given
if (typename _org == "OBJECT") then {_org = getpos _org};
// Distance given as an array of min and max. Pick a random between them.
if (typename _dst == "ARRAY") then {
private ["_min","_max"];
_min = _dst select 0;
_max = _dst select 1;
_dst = (_min + random(_max - _min));
// Direction given as an array of min and max. Pick a random dir between them.
if (typename _dir == "ARRAY") then {
private ["_min","_max","_ang"];
_min = _dir select 0;
_max = _dir select 1;
_ang = _max - _min;
// Min bigger than max, can happen with directions around north
if (_ang < 0) then { _ang = _ang + 360 };
_dir = (_min + random _ang);
_pos = [_org,_dst,_dir] call SHK_pos_fnc_getPos;
// Water position
if (typeName _water == "SCALAR") then {
switch _water do {
case 0: { // Water not allowed
if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
private ["_p","_d","_l"];
_d = 0; _l = true;
// Search for a land position starting from the randomly picked position and
// then going outwards from it in full circles in 20m steps.
while {_d = _d + 20; _l && _d < 5000} do {
for "_i" from 0 to 340 step 20 do {
_p = [_pos,_d,_i] call SHK_pos_fnc_getpos;
if (!surfaceIsWater _p) exitwith {_l = false};
_pos = _p;
case 1: { // Water allowed
case 2: { // Only water allowed
if !(surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
private ["_p","_d","_l"];
_d = 0; _l = true;
// Search for a water position starting from the randomly picked position and
// then going outwards from it in full circles in 20m steps.
while {_d = _d + 20; _l && _d < 5000} do {
for "_i" from 0 to 340 step 20 do {
_p = [_pos,_d,_i] call SHK_pos_fnc_getpos;
if (surfaceIsWater _p) exitwith {_l = false};
_pos = _p;
} else { // For backward compatibility
// Water position is not allowed
if !_water then {
if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
private ["_p","_d","_l"];
_d = 0; _l = true;
// Search for a land position starting from the randomly picked position and
// then going outwards from it in full circles in 20m steps.
while {_d = _d + 20; _l && _d < 5000} do {
for "_i" from 0 to 340 step 20 do {
_p = [_pos,_d,_i] call SHK_pos_fnc_getpos;
if (!surfaceIsWater _p) exitwith {_l = false};
_pos = _p;
// Road position.
if (count _road > 0) then {
if ((_road select 0) > 0) then {
private ["_mode","_range","_roads","_cnt","_p","_p2"];
_mode = _road select 0;
_range = _road select 1;
_roads = _pos nearroads _range;
_cnt = count _roads;
_p = [];
// Road position(s) found.
if (_cnt > 0) then {
_p = getpos (_roads select 0);
// Found more than one road position, return closest.
if (_cnt > 1) then {
for "_i" from 1 to (_cnt - 1) do {
_p2 = getpos (_roads select _i);
if ((_p2 distance _pos) < (_p distance _pos)) then {
_p = _p2;
switch _mode do {
// Road position preferred but not forced.
case 1: {
if (count _p > 0) then {
_pos = _p;
// Only accept road position, return empty array if none found.
case 2: {
if (count _p > 0) then {
_pos = _p;
} else {
_pos resize 0;
// Find empty position
private ["_dst","_veh","_p"];
_dst = 200;
_veh = "";
switch (typename _empty) do {
case "OBJECT": { _veh = typeof _empty }; // Only vehicle given, use default distance
case "SCALAR": {_dst = _empty;};
case "ARRAY": {
if (count _empty > 0) then {
_dst = _empty select 0;
_veh = _empty select 1;
if (typename _veh == typename objNull) then { _veh = typeof _veh };
_p = [];
if (count _pos > 0) then {_p = _pos findEmptyPosition [0,_dst,_veh];};
// If an empty position is found, use it. Otherwise, return the original position.
if (count _p > 0) then {
_pos = _p;
// Return position

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
/* Select a random position from an area defined by a marker.
In: [marker,water,blacklist,emptySpace]
Out: position
private ["_area","_water","_blist","_pos","_empty"];
_area = _this select 0;
_water = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {0};
_blist = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {[]};
_empty = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {[]};
_pos = [];
if (typename _blist == "STRING") then {_blist = [_blist]};
private ["_shape"];
_shape = _area call SHK_pos_fnc_getMarkerShape;
// Limited loop so the script won't get stuck
private ["_i","_exit"];
_exit = false;
for [{_i = 0}, {_i < 1000 && !_exit}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {
// Rectangle or Ellipse marker given?
if (_shape in ["SQUARE","RECTANGLE"]) then {
_pos = _area call SHK_pos_fnc_getPosFromRectangle;
} else {
_pos = _area call SHK_pos_fnc_getPosFromEllipse;
// Find empty position
private ["_dst","_veh","_p"];
_dst = 200;
_veh = "";
switch (typename _empty) do {
case (typename objNull): { _veh = typeof _empty }; // Only vehicle given, use default distance
case ("STRING"): { _veh = _empty };
case (typename []): {
if (count _empty > 0) then {
_dst = _empty select 0;
_veh = _empty select 1;
if (typename _veh == typename objNull) then { _veh = typeof _veh };
_p = _pos findEmptyPosition [0,_dst,_veh];
// If an empty position is found, use it. Otherwise, return the original position.
if (count _p > 0) then {
_pos = _p;
// Water position
if (typeName _water == "SCALAR") then {
switch _water do {
case 0: { // Water position is not allowed
// Position is on land, try to exit script.
if !(surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
_exit = true;
case 1: { // Doesn't matter if position is on water or land.
_exit = true;
case 2: { // Only water position is allowed
// Position is on water, try to exit script.
if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
_exit = true;
} else { // For backward compatibility
// Water position is not allowed
if !_water then {
// Position is on land, try to exit script.
if !(surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
_exit = true;
// Doesn't matter if position is on water or land.
} else {
_exit = true;
// Position is not allowed in blacklisted areas
if (count _blist > 0 && _exit) then {
// Check each blacklist marker
// If blacklisted, jump out of blacklist check and continue main loop.
if ([_pos,_x] call SHK_pos_fnc_isBlacklisted) exitwith {
_exit = false;
} foreach _blist;
// Return position

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
Version 0.24
Author: Shuko (shuko@quakenet,
Contributors: Cool=Azroul13, Hatifnat
Marker Based Selection
Required Parameters:
0 String Area marker's name.
Optional Parameters:
1 Number Water position. Default is only land positions allowed.
0 Find closest land. Search outwards 360 degrees (20 degree steps) and 20m steps.
1 Allow water positions.
2 Find only water positions.
2 Array or String One or multiple blacklist area markers which are excluded from the main marker area.
3 Array, Number, Object or Vehicle Type Force finding large enough empty position.
0 Max range from the selection position to look for empty space. Default is 200.
1 Vehicle or vehicle type to fit into an empty space.
[...,[300,heli]] Array with distance and vehicle object.
[...,350] Only distance given
[...,(typeof heli)] Only vehicle type given
[...,heli] Only vehicle object given
Position Based Selection
Required Parameters:
0 Object or Position Anchor point from where the relative position is calculated from.
1 Array or Number Distance from anchor.
Optional Parameters:
2 Array of Number Direction from anchor. Default is random between 0 and 360.
3 Number Water position. Default is only land positions allowed.
0 Find closest land. Search outwards 360 degrees (20 degree steps) and 20m steps.
1 Allow water positions.
2 Find only water positions.
4 Array Road positions.
0 Number Road position forcing. Default is 0.
0 Do not search for road positions.
1 Find closest road position. Return the generated random position if none found.
2 Find closest road position. Return empty array if none found.
1 Number Road search range. Default is 200m.
5 Array, Number, Object or Vehicle Type Force finding large enough empty position.
0 Max range from the selection position to look for empty space. Default is 200.
1 Vehicle or vehicle type to fit into an empty space.
[...,[300,heli]] Array with distance and vehicle object.
[...,350] Only distance given
[...,(typeof heli)] Only vehicle type given
[...,heli] Only vehicle object given
Preprocess the file in init.sqf:
call compile preprocessfile "SHK_pos\shk_pos_init.sqf";
Actually getting the position:
pos = [parameters] call SHK_pos;
// Functions
SHK_pos_getPos = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_getpos.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_getPosMarker = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_getposmarker.sqf",DZAI_directory];
// Sub functions
SHK_pos_fnc_findClosestPosition = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_findclosestposition.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_getMarkerCorners = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_getmarkercorners.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_getMarkerShape = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_getmarkershape.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_getPos = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_getpos.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_getPosFromCircle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_getposfromcircle.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_getPosFromEllipse = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_getposfromellipse.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_getPosFromRectangle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_getposfromrectangle.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_getPosFromSquare = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_getposfromsquare.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_isBlacklisted = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_isblacklisted.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_isInCircle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_isincircle.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_isInEllipse = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_isinellipse.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_isInRectangle = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_isinrectangle.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_isSamePosition = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_issameposition.sqf",DZAI_directory];
SHK_pos_fnc_rotatePosition = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\shk_pos\shk_pos_fnc_rotateposition.sqf",DZAI_directory];
// Wrapper function
// Decide which function to call based on parameters.
SHK_pos = {
private ["_pos"];
_pos = [];
// Only marker is given as parameter
if (typename _this == "STRING") then {
_pos = [_this] call SHK_pos_getPosMarker;
// Parameter array
} else {
if (typename (_this select 0) == "STRING") then {
_pos = _this call SHK_pos_getPosMarker;
} else {
_pos = _this call SHK_pos_getPos;
// Return position