53 lines
1.7 KiB
53 lines
1.7 KiB
//Temporary check for A2OA mission override exploit.
//This bug should be fixed in the next EOL patch.
//Put this code at the bottom of dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf
//List of files in your mission to check. For example, you may want to add 'custom\variables.sqf' etc.
//Remove any you aren't using
_files = [
_list = [];
_file = toArray (toLower(preprocessFile _x));
_sum = 0;
_count = {_sum = _sum + _x; true} count _file;
if (_count > 999999) then {_count = _count mod 999999}; //Prevent scientific notation when converting to string below
if (_sum > 999999) then {_sum = _sum mod 999999};
_list set [count _list,[_count,_sum]];
} forEach _files;
//Check mission integrity on all clients
_temp = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_temp setVehicleInit (str formatText["
if (isServer) exitWith {};
_list = [];
_file = toArray (toLower(preprocessFile _x));
_sum = 0;
_count = {_sum = _sum + _x; true} count _file;
if (_count > 999999) then {_count = _count mod 999999};
if (_sum > 999999) then {_sum = _sum mod 999999};
_list set [count _list,[_count,_sum]];
} forEach %1;
_file = -1;
if ((_x select 0 != (_list select _forEachIndex) select 0) or (_x select 1 != (_list select _forEachIndex) select 1)) then {
_file = _forEachIndex;
} forEach %2;
if (_file != -1) then {
MISSION_CHECK = if ((_list select _file) select 0 < 49999) then {preprocessFileLineNumbers (%1 select _file)} else {'TOO BIG'};
publicVariableServer 'MISSION_CHECK';
[] spawn {
uiSleep 1;
{(findDisplay _x) closeDisplay 2;} count [0,8,12,18,46,70];