This is the documentation of the Firefly III API. You can find accompanying documentation on the website of Firefly III itself (see below). Please report any bugs or issues. You may use the \"Authorize\" button to try the API below. This file was last generated on 2024-04-20T05:28:29+00:00 Please keep in mind that the demo site does not accept requests from curl, colly, wget, etc. You must use a browser or a tool like Postman to make requests. Too many script kiddies out there, sorry about that.
This API client was generated by the [swagger-codegen]( project. By using the [swagger-spec]( from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
*AccountsApi* | [**ListAttachmentByAccount**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/accounts/{id}/attachments | Lists all attachments.
*AccountsApi* | [**ListPiggyBankByAccount**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/accounts/{id}/piggy-banks | List all piggy banks related to the account.
*AccountsApi* | [**ListTransactionByAccount**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/accounts/{id}/transactions | List all transactions related to the account.
*AttachmentsApi* | [**UploadAttachment**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/attachments/{id}/upload | Upload an attachment.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetAccountsAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/accounts | Returns all accounts of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetBillsAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/bills | Returns all bills of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetBudgetsAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/budgets | Returns all budgets of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetCategoriesAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/categories | Returns all categories of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetCurrenciesAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/currencies | Returns all currencies of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetCurrenciesCodeAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/currencies-with-code | Returns all currencies of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array. This endpoint is DEPRECATED and I suggest you DO NOT use it.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetObjectGroupsAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/object-groups | Returns all object groups of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetPiggiesAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/piggy-banks | Returns all piggy banks of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetPiggiesBalanceAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/piggy-banks-with-balance | Returns all piggy banks of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array complemented with balance information.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetRecurringAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/recurring | Returns all recurring transactions of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetRuleGroupsAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/rule-groups | Returns all rule groups of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetRulesAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/rules | Returns all rules of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetTagAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/tags | Returns all tags of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetTransactionTypesAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/transaction-types | Returns all transaction types returned in a basic auto-complete array. English only.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetTransactionsAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/transactions | Returns all transaction descriptions of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array.
*AutocompleteApi* | [**GetTransactionsIDAC**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/autocomplete/transactions-with-id | Returns all transactions, complemented with their ID, of the user returned in a basic auto-complete array. This endpoint is DEPRECATED and I suggest you DO NOT use it.
*AvailableBudgetsApi* | [**GetAvailableBudget**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/available-budgets/{id} | Get a single available budget.
*AvailableBudgetsApi* | [**ListAvailableBudget**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/available-budgets | List all available budget amounts.
*BillsApi* | [**ListAttachmentByBill**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/bills/{id}/attachments | List all attachments uploaded to the bill.
*BillsApi* | [**ListRuleByBill**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/bills/{id}/rules | List all rules associated with the bill.
*BillsApi* | [**ListTransactionByBill**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/bills/{id}/transactions | List all transactions associated with the bill.
*BudgetsApi* | [**GetBudgetLimit**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/budgets/{id}/limits/{limitId} | Get single budget limit.
*BudgetsApi* | [**ListAttachmentByBudget**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/budgets/{id}/attachments | Lists all attachments of a budget.
*BudgetsApi* | [**ListBudgetLimit**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/budget-limits | Get list of budget limits by date
*BudgetsApi* | [**ListBudgetLimitByBudget**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/budgets/{id}/limits | Get all limits for a budget.
*BudgetsApi* | [**ListTransactionByBudget**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/budgets/{id}/transactions | All transactions to a budget.
*BudgetsApi* | [**ListTransactionByBudgetLimit**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/budgets/{id}/limits/{limitId}/transactions | List all transactions by a budget limit ID.
*CategoriesApi* | [**ListTransactionByCategory**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/categories/{id}/transactions | List all transactions in a category.
*CategoriesApi* | [**StoreCategory**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/categories | Store a new category
*ConfigurationApi* | [**GetConfiguration**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/configuration | Get Firefly III system configuration values.
*ConfigurationApi* | [**GetSingleConfiguration**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/configuration/{name} | Get a single Firefly III system configuration value
*ConfigurationApi* | [**SetConfiguration**](docs/ | **Put** /v1/configuration/{name} | Update configuration value
*CurrenciesApi* | [**DeleteCurrency**](docs/ | **Delete** /v1/currencies/{code} | Delete a currency.
*CurrenciesApi* | [**DisableCurrency**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/currencies/{code}/disable | Disable a currency.
*CurrenciesApi* | [**EnableCurrency**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/currencies/{code}/enable | Enable a single currency.
*CurrenciesApi* | [**GetCurrency**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/currencies/{code} | Get a single currency.
*CurrenciesApi* | [**GetDefaultCurrency**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/currencies/default | Get the user's default currency.
*CurrenciesApi* | [**ListAccountByCurrency**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/currencies/{code}/accounts | List all accounts with this currency.
*CurrenciesApi* | [**ListAvailableBudgetByCurrency**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/currencies/{code}/available-budgets | List all available budgets with this currency.
*CurrenciesApi* | [**ListBillByCurrency**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/currencies/{code}/bills | List all bills with this currency.
*CurrenciesApi* | [**ListBudgetLimitByCurrency**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/currencies/{code}/budget_limits | List all budget limits with this currency
*CurrenciesApi* | [**ListRecurrenceByCurrency**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/currencies/{code}/recurrences | List all recurring transactions with this currency.
*CurrenciesApi* | [**ListRuleByCurrency**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/currencies/{code}/rules | List all rules with this currency.
*CurrenciesApi* | [**ListTransactionByCurrency**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/currencies/{code}/transactions | List all transactions with this currency.
*CurrenciesApi* | [**StoreCurrency**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/currencies | Store a new currency
*DataApi* | [**ExportAccounts**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/data/export/accounts | Export account data from Firefly III
*DataApi* | [**ExportBills**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/data/export/bills | Export bills from Firefly III
*DataApi* | [**ExportBudgets**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/data/export/budgets | Export budgets and budget amount data from Firefly III
*DataApi* | [**ExportCategories**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/data/export/categories | Export category data from Firefly III
*DataApi* | [**ExportPiggies**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/data/export/piggy-banks | Export piggy banks from Firefly III
*DataApi* | [**ExportRecurring**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/data/export/recurring | Export recurring transaction data from Firefly III
*DataApi* | [**ExportRules**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/data/export/rules | Export rule groups and rule data from Firefly III
*DataApi* | [**ExportTags**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/data/export/tags | Export tag data from Firefly III
*DataApi* | [**ExportTransactions**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/data/export/transactions | Export transaction data from Firefly III
*LinksApi* | [**ListTransactionByLinkType**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/link-types/{id}/transactions | List all transactions under this link type.
*LinksApi* | [**ListTransactionLink**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/transaction-links | List all transaction links.
*LinksApi* | [**StoreTransactionLink**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/transaction-links | Create a new link between transactions
*LinksApi* | [**UpdateTransactionLink**](docs/ | **Put** /v1/transaction-links/{id} | Update an existing link between transactions.
*ObjectGroupsApi* | [**GetObjectGroup**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/object-groups/{id} | Get a single object group.
*ObjectGroupsApi* | [**ListBillByObjectGroup**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/object-groups/{id}/bills | List all bills with this object group.
*ObjectGroupsApi* | [**ListObjectGroups**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/object-groups | List all oject groups.
*ObjectGroupsApi* | [**ListPiggyBankByObjectGroup**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/object-groups/{id}/piggy-banks | List all piggy banks related to the object group.
*PiggyBanksApi* | [**GetPiggyBank**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/piggy-banks/{id} | Get a single piggy bank.
*PiggyBanksApi* | [**ListAttachmentByPiggyBank**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/piggy-banks/{id}/attachments | Lists all attachments.
*PiggyBanksApi* | [**ListEventByPiggyBank**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/piggy-banks/{id}/events | List all events linked to a piggy bank.
*PiggyBanksApi* | [**ListPiggyBank**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/piggy-banks | List all piggy banks.
*PiggyBanksApi* | [**StorePiggyBank**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/piggy-banks | Store a new piggy bank
*RecurrencesApi* | [**GetRecurrence**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/recurrences/{id} | Get a single recurring transaction.
*RecurrencesApi* | [**ListRecurrence**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/recurrences | List all recurring transactions.
*RecurrencesApi* | [**ListTransactionByRecurrence**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/recurrences/{id}/transactions | List all transactions created by a recurring transaction.
*RecurrencesApi* | [**StoreRecurrence**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/recurrences | Store a new recurring transaction
*RuleGroupsApi* | [**FireRuleGroup**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/rule-groups/{id}/trigger | Fire the rule group on your transactions.
*RuleGroupsApi* | [**GetRuleGroup**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/rule-groups/{id} | Get a single rule group.
*RuleGroupsApi* | [**ListRuleByGroup**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/rule-groups/{id}/rules | List rules in this rule group.
*RuleGroupsApi* | [**ListRuleGroup**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/rule-groups | List all rule groups.
*RuleGroupsApi* | [**StoreRuleGroup**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/rule-groups | Store a new rule group.
*RuleGroupsApi* | [**TestRuleGroup**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/rule-groups/{id}/test | Test which transactions would be hit by the rule group. No changes will be made.
*RulesApi* | [**TestRule**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/rules/{id}/test | Test which transactions would be hit by the rule. No changes will be made.
*TagsApi* | [**ListTransactionByTag**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/tags/{tag}/transactions | List all transactions with this tag.
*TransactionsApi* | [**GetTransaction**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/transactions/{id} | Get a single transaction.
*TransactionsApi* | [**GetTransactionByJournal**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/transaction-journals/{id} | Get a single transaction, based on one of the underlying transaction journals (transaction splits).
*TransactionsApi* | [**ListAttachmentByTransaction**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/transactions/{id}/attachments | Lists all attachments.
*TransactionsApi* | [**ListEventByTransaction**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/transactions/{id}/piggy-bank-events | Lists all piggy bank events.
*TransactionsApi* | [**ListLinksByJournal**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/transaction-journals/{id}/links | Lists all the transaction links for an individual journal (individual split).
*TransactionsApi* | [**ListTransaction**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/transactions | List all the user's transactions.
*TransactionsApi* | [**StoreTransaction**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/transactions | Store a new transaction
*TransactionsApi* | [**UpdateTransaction**](docs/ | **Put** /v1/transactions/{id} | Update existing transaction. For more information, see
*WebhooksApi* | [**GetSingleWebhookMessage**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/webhooks/{id}/messages/{messageId} | Get a single message from a webhook.
*WebhooksApi* | [**GetSingleWebhookMessageAttempt**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/webhooks/{id}/messages/{messageId}/attempts/{attemptId} | Get a single failed attempt from a single webhook message.
*WebhooksApi* | [**GetWebhookMessageAttempts**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/webhooks/{id}/messages/{messageId}/attempts | Get all the failed attempts of a single webhook message.
*WebhooksApi* | [**GetWebhookMessages**](docs/ | **Get** /v1/webhooks/{id}/messages | Get all the messages of a single webhook.
*WebhooksApi* | [**SubmitWebook**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/webhooks/{id}/submit | Submit messages for a webhook.
*WebhooksApi* | [**TriggerTransactionWebhook**](docs/ | **Post** /v1/webhooks/{id}/trigger-transaction/{transactionId} | Trigger webhook for a given transaction.