/* * Firefly III API v2.1.0 * * This is the documentation of the Firefly III API. You can find accompanying documentation on the website of Firefly III itself (see below). Please report any bugs or issues. You may use the \"Authorize\" button to try the API below. This file was last generated on 2024-05-19T04:33:01+00:00 Please keep in mind that the demo site does not accept requests from curl, colly, wget, etc. You must use a browser or a tool like Postman to make requests. Too many script kiddies out there, sorry about that. * * API version: 2.1.0 * Contact: james@firefly-iii.org * Generated by: Swagger Codegen (https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git) */ package firefly3 import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "encoding/xml" "errors" "fmt" "io" "mime/multipart" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path/filepath" "reflect" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "unicode/utf8" "golang.org/x/oauth2" ) var ( jsonCheck = regexp.MustCompile("(?i:[application|text]/json)") xmlCheck = regexp.MustCompile("(?i:[application|text]/xml)") ) // APIClient manages communication with the Firefly III API v2.1.0 API v2.1.0 // In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient. type APIClient struct { cfg *Configuration common service // Reuse a single struct instead of allocating one for each service on the heap. // API Services AboutApi *AboutApiService AccountsApi *AccountsApiService AttachmentsApi *AttachmentsApiService AutocompleteApi *AutocompleteApiService AvailableBudgetsApi *AvailableBudgetsApiService BillsApi *BillsApiService BudgetsApi *BudgetsApiService CategoriesApi *CategoriesApiService ChartsApi *ChartsApiService ConfigurationApi *ConfigurationApiService CurrenciesApi *CurrenciesApiService DataApi *DataApiService InsightApi *InsightApiService LinksApi *LinksApiService ObjectGroupsApi *ObjectGroupsApiService PiggyBanksApi *PiggyBanksApiService PreferencesApi *PreferencesApiService RecurrencesApi *RecurrencesApiService RuleGroupsApi *RuleGroupsApiService RulesApi *RulesApiService SearchApi *SearchApiService SummaryApi *SummaryApiService TagsApi *TagsApiService TransactionsApi *TransactionsApiService UsersApi *UsersApiService WebhooksApi *WebhooksApiService } type service struct { client *APIClient } // NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Requires a userAgent string describing your application. // optionally a custom http.Client to allow for advanced features such as caching. func NewAPIClient(cfg *Configuration) *APIClient { if cfg.HTTPClient == nil { cfg.HTTPClient = http.DefaultClient } c := &APIClient{} c.cfg = cfg c.common.client = c // API Services c.AboutApi = (*AboutApiService)(&c.common) c.AccountsApi = (*AccountsApiService)(&c.common) c.AttachmentsApi = (*AttachmentsApiService)(&c.common) c.AutocompleteApi = (*AutocompleteApiService)(&c.common) c.AvailableBudgetsApi = (*AvailableBudgetsApiService)(&c.common) c.BillsApi = (*BillsApiService)(&c.common) c.BudgetsApi = (*BudgetsApiService)(&c.common) c.CategoriesApi = (*CategoriesApiService)(&c.common) c.ChartsApi = (*ChartsApiService)(&c.common) c.ConfigurationApi = (*ConfigurationApiService)(&c.common) c.CurrenciesApi = (*CurrenciesApiService)(&c.common) c.DataApi = (*DataApiService)(&c.common) c.InsightApi = (*InsightApiService)(&c.common) c.LinksApi = (*LinksApiService)(&c.common) c.ObjectGroupsApi = (*ObjectGroupsApiService)(&c.common) c.PiggyBanksApi = (*PiggyBanksApiService)(&c.common) c.PreferencesApi = (*PreferencesApiService)(&c.common) c.RecurrencesApi = (*RecurrencesApiService)(&c.common) c.RuleGroupsApi = (*RuleGroupsApiService)(&c.common) c.RulesApi = (*RulesApiService)(&c.common) c.SearchApi = (*SearchApiService)(&c.common) c.SummaryApi = (*SummaryApiService)(&c.common) c.TagsApi = (*TagsApiService)(&c.common) c.TransactionsApi = (*TransactionsApiService)(&c.common) c.UsersApi = (*UsersApiService)(&c.common) c.WebhooksApi = (*WebhooksApiService)(&c.common) return c } func atoi(in string) (int, error) { return strconv.Atoi(in) } // selectHeaderContentType select a content type from the available list. func selectHeaderContentType(contentTypes []string) string { if len(contentTypes) == 0 { return "" } if contains(contentTypes, "application/json") { return "application/json" } return contentTypes[0] // use the first content type specified in 'consumes' } // selectHeaderAccept join all accept types and return func selectHeaderAccept(accepts []string) string { if len(accepts) == 0 { return "" } if contains(accepts, "application/json") { return "application/json" } return strings.Join(accepts, ",") } // contains is a case insenstive match, finding needle in a haystack func contains(haystack []string, needle string) bool { for _, a := range haystack { if strings.ToLower(a) == strings.ToLower(needle) { return true } } return false } // Verify optional parameters are of the correct type. func typeCheckParameter(obj interface{}, expected string, name string) error { // Make sure there is an object. if obj == nil { return nil } // Check the type is as expected. if reflect.TypeOf(obj).String() != expected { return fmt.Errorf("Expected %s to be of type %s but received %s.", name, expected, reflect.TypeOf(obj).String()) } return nil } // parameterToString convert interface{} parameters to string, using a delimiter if format is provided. func parameterToString(obj interface{}, collectionFormat string) string { var delimiter string switch collectionFormat { case "pipes": delimiter = "|" case "ssv": delimiter = " " case "tsv": delimiter = "\t" case "csv": delimiter = "," } if reflect.TypeOf(obj).Kind() == reflect.Slice { return strings.Trim(strings.Replace(fmt.Sprint(obj), " ", delimiter, -1), "[]") } return fmt.Sprintf("%v", obj) } // callAPI do the request. func (c *APIClient) callAPI(request *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { return c.cfg.HTTPClient.Do(request) } // Change base path to allow switching to mocks func (c *APIClient) ChangeBasePath(path string) { c.cfg.BasePath = path } // prepareRequest build the request func (c *APIClient) prepareRequest( ctx context.Context, path string, method string, postBody interface{}, headerParams map[string]string, queryParams url.Values, formParams url.Values, fileName string, fileBytes []byte) (localVarRequest *http.Request, err error) { var body *bytes.Buffer // Detect postBody type and post. if postBody != nil { contentType := headerParams["Content-Type"] if contentType == "" { contentType = detectContentType(postBody) headerParams["Content-Type"] = contentType } body, err = setBody(postBody, contentType) if err != nil { return nil, err } } // add form parameters and file if available. if strings.HasPrefix(headerParams["Content-Type"], "multipart/form-data") && len(formParams) > 0 || (len(fileBytes) > 0 && fileName != "") { if body != nil { return nil, errors.New("Cannot specify postBody and multipart form at the same time.") } body = &bytes.Buffer{} w := multipart.NewWriter(body) for k, v := range formParams { for _, iv := range v { if strings.HasPrefix(k, "@") { // file err = addFile(w, k[1:], iv) if err != nil { return nil, err } } else { // form value w.WriteField(k, iv) } } } if len(fileBytes) > 0 && fileName != "" { w.Boundary() //_, fileNm := filepath.Split(fileName) part, err := w.CreateFormFile("file", filepath.Base(fileName)) if err != nil { return nil, err } _, err = part.Write(fileBytes) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Set the Boundary in the Content-Type headerParams["Content-Type"] = w.FormDataContentType() } // Set Content-Length headerParams["Content-Length"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", body.Len()) w.Close() } if strings.HasPrefix(headerParams["Content-Type"], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") && len(formParams) > 0 { if body != nil { return nil, errors.New("Cannot specify postBody and x-www-form-urlencoded form at the same time.") } body = &bytes.Buffer{} body.WriteString(formParams.Encode()) // Set Content-Length headerParams["Content-Length"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", body.Len()) } // Setup path and query parameters url, err := url.Parse(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Adding Query Param query := url.Query() for k, v := range queryParams { for _, iv := range v { query.Add(k, iv) } } // Encode the parameters. url.RawQuery = query.Encode() // Generate a new request if body != nil { localVarRequest, err = http.NewRequest(method, url.String(), body) } else { localVarRequest, err = http.NewRequest(method, url.String(), nil) } if err != nil { return nil, err } // add header parameters, if any if len(headerParams) > 0 { headers := http.Header{} for h, v := range headerParams { headers.Set(h, v) } localVarRequest.Header = headers } // Override request host, if applicable if c.cfg.Host != "" { localVarRequest.Host = c.cfg.Host } // Add the user agent to the request. localVarRequest.Header.Add("User-Agent", c.cfg.UserAgent) if ctx != nil { // add context to the request localVarRequest = localVarRequest.WithContext(ctx) // Walk through any authentication. // OAuth2 authentication if tok, ok := ctx.Value(ContextOAuth2).(oauth2.TokenSource); ok { // We were able to grab an oauth2 token from the context var latestToken *oauth2.Token if latestToken, err = tok.Token(); err != nil { return nil, err } latestToken.SetAuthHeader(localVarRequest) } // Basic HTTP Authentication if auth, ok := ctx.Value(ContextBasicAuth).(BasicAuth); ok { localVarRequest.SetBasicAuth(auth.UserName, auth.Password) } // AccessToken Authentication if auth, ok := ctx.Value(ContextAccessToken).(string); ok { localVarRequest.Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+auth) } } for header, value := range c.cfg.DefaultHeader { localVarRequest.Header.Add(header, value) } return localVarRequest, nil } func (c *APIClient) decode(v interface{}, b []byte, contentType string) (err error) { if strings.Contains(contentType, "application/xml") { if err = xml.Unmarshal(b, v); err != nil { return err } return nil } else if strings.Contains(contentType, "application/json") || strings.Contains(contentType, "application/vnd.api+json") { if err = json.Unmarshal(b, v); err != nil { return err } return nil } return errors.New("undefined response type") } // Add a file to the multipart request func addFile(w *multipart.Writer, fieldName, path string) error { file, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return err } defer file.Close() part, err := w.CreateFormFile(fieldName, filepath.Base(path)) if err != nil { return err } _, err = io.Copy(part, file) return err } // Prevent trying to import "fmt" func reportError(format string, a ...interface{}) error { return fmt.Errorf(format, a...) } // Set request body from an interface{} func setBody(body interface{}, contentType string) (bodyBuf *bytes.Buffer, err error) { if bodyBuf == nil { bodyBuf = &bytes.Buffer{} } if reader, ok := body.(io.Reader); ok { _, err = bodyBuf.ReadFrom(reader) } else if b, ok := body.([]byte); ok { _, err = bodyBuf.Write(b) } else if s, ok := body.(string); ok { _, err = bodyBuf.WriteString(s) } else if s, ok := body.(*string); ok { _, err = bodyBuf.WriteString(*s) } else if jsonCheck.MatchString(contentType) { err = json.NewEncoder(bodyBuf).Encode(body) } else if xmlCheck.MatchString(contentType) { xml.NewEncoder(bodyBuf).Encode(body) } if err != nil { return nil, err } if bodyBuf.Len() == 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid body type %s\n", contentType) return nil, err } return bodyBuf, nil } // detectContentType method is used to figure out `Request.Body` content type for request header func detectContentType(body interface{}) string { contentType := "text/plain; charset=utf-8" kind := reflect.TypeOf(body).Kind() switch kind { case reflect.Struct, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr: contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8" case reflect.String: contentType = "text/plain; charset=utf-8" default: if b, ok := body.([]byte); ok { contentType = http.DetectContentType(b) } else if kind == reflect.Slice { contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8" } } return contentType } // Ripped from https://github.com/gregjones/httpcache/blob/master/httpcache.go type cacheControl map[string]string func parseCacheControl(headers http.Header) cacheControl { cc := cacheControl{} ccHeader := headers.Get("Cache-Control") for _, part := range strings.Split(ccHeader, ",") { part = strings.Trim(part, " ") if part == "" { continue } if strings.ContainsRune(part, '=') { keyval := strings.Split(part, "=") cc[strings.Trim(keyval[0], " ")] = strings.Trim(keyval[1], ",") } else { cc[part] = "" } } return cc } // CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request. func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time { // Figure out when the cache expires. var expires time.Time now, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, r.Header.Get("date")) if err != nil { return time.Now() } respCacheControl := parseCacheControl(r.Header) if maxAge, ok := respCacheControl["max-age"]; ok { lifetime, err := time.ParseDuration(maxAge + "s") if err != nil { expires = now } expires = now.Add(lifetime) } else { expiresHeader := r.Header.Get("Expires") if expiresHeader != "" { expires, err = time.Parse(time.RFC1123, expiresHeader) if err != nil { expires = now } } } return expires } func strlen(s string) int { return utf8.RuneCountInString(s) } // GenericSwaggerError Provides access to the body, error and model on returned errors. type GenericSwaggerError struct { body []byte error string model interface{} } // Error returns non-empty string if there was an error. func (e GenericSwaggerError) Error() string { return e.error } // Body returns the raw bytes of the response func (e GenericSwaggerError) Body() []byte { return e.body } // Model returns the unpacked model of the error func (e GenericSwaggerError) Model() interface{} { return e.model }