# BudgetLimit ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **CreatedAt** | [**time.Time**](time.Time.md) | | [optional] [default to null] **UpdatedAt** | [**time.Time**](time.Time.md) | | [optional] [default to null] **Start** | [**time.Time**](time.Time.md) | Start date of the budget limit. | [default to null] **End** | [**time.Time**](time.Time.md) | End date of the budget limit. | [default to null] **CurrencyId** | **string** | Use either currency_id or currency_code. Defaults to the user's default currency. | [optional] [default to null] **CurrencyCode** | **string** | Use either currency_id or currency_code. Defaults to the user's default currency. | [optional] [default to null] **CurrencyName** | **string** | | [optional] [default to null] **CurrencySymbol** | **string** | | [optional] [default to null] **CurrencyDecimalPlaces** | **int32** | | [optional] [default to null] **BudgetId** | **string** | The budget ID of the associated budget. | [default to null] **Period** | **string** | Period of the budget limit. Only used when auto-generated by auto-budget. | [optional] [default to null] **Amount** | **string** | | [default to null] **Spent** | **string** | | [optional] [default to null] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)