private ["_coins","_activatingPlayer","_object","_worldspace","_location","_dir","_class","_uid","_key","_keySelected" ,"_characterID","_result","_outcome","_oid","_objectID","_objectUID","_newobject","_weapons","_magazines","_backpacks" ,"_clientKey","_exitReason","_playerUID","_isAir","_fuel","_selection","_dam","_hitpoints","_newHitpoints","_damage" ,"_hit","_inv","_action","_clearTurrets","_message"]; #include "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_toggle_debug.hpp" if (count _this < 6) exitWith { diag_log "Server_PublishVehicle3 error: Wrong parameter format"; dze_waiting = "fail"; (owner (_this select 4)) publicVariableClient "dze_waiting"; }; _object = _this select 0; _worldspace = _this select 1; _class = _this select 2; _keySelected = _this select 3; _activatingPlayer = _this select 4; _clientKey = _this select 5; _action = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {""}; _playerUID = getPlayerUID _activatingPlayer; _characterID = _keySelected; _exitReason = [_this,"PublishVehicle3",(_worldspace select 1),_clientKey,_playerUID,_activatingPlayer] call server_verifySender; if (_exitReason != "") exitWith { diag_log _exitReason; dze_waiting = "fail"; (owner _activatingPlayer) publicVariableClient "dze_waiting"; }; if (!(isClass(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _class)) || isNull _object) exitWith { diag_log ("HIVE-PublishVehicle3 Error: Vehicle does not exist: "+ str(_class)); dze_waiting = "fail"; (owner _activatingPlayer) publicVariableClient "dze_waiting"; }; _objectID = _object getVariable ["ObjectID","0"]; _objectUID = _object getVariable ["ObjectUID","0"]; _location = [_object] call fnc_getPos; _fuel = fuel _object; _hitpoints = _object call vehicle_getHitpoints; _newHitpoints = []; _damage = damage _object; // add items from previous vehicle here _weapons = getWeaponCargo _object; _magazines = getMagazineCargo _object; _backpacks = getBackpackCargo _object; _inv = [_weapons,_magazines,_backpacks]; if (Z_SingleCurrency && ZSC_VehicleMoneyStorage) then { _coins = _object getVariable ["cashMoney",0]; }; { _hit = [_object,_x] call object_getHit; if ((_hit select 0) > 0) then { _newHitpoints set [count _newHitpoints,[(_hit select 1),(_hit select 0)]]; } else { _newHitpoints set [count _newHitpoints,[(_hit select 1),0]]; }; } count _hitpoints; #ifdef OBJECT_DEBUG diag_log ("PUBLISH: Attempt " + str(_object)); #endif _dir = _worldspace select 0; _uid = _worldspace call dayz_objectUID2; _key = format["CHILD:308:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:",dayZ_instance, _class, _damage , _characterID, _worldspace, _inv, _newHitpoints, _fuel,_uid]; #ifdef OBJECT_DEBUG diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key)); #endif _key call server_hiveWrite; // GET DB ID _key = format["CHILD:388:%1:",_uid]; #ifdef OBJECT_DEBUG diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key)); #endif _result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite; _outcome = _result select 0; if (_outcome != "PASS") then { diag_log("HIVE-pv3: failed to get id for : " + str(_uid)); _key = format["CHILD:310:%1:",_uid]; _key call server_hiveWrite; dze_waiting = "fail"; (owner _activatingPlayer) publicVariableClient "dze_waiting"; } else { _oid = _result select 1; #ifdef OBJECT_DEBUG diag_log("CUSTOM: Selected " + str(_oid)); #endif _colour = _object getVariable ["Colour","0"]; _colour2 = _object getVariable ["Colour2","0"]; deleteVehicle _object; [_objectID,_objectUID,_object] call server_deleteObjDirect; uiSleep 3; _newobject = _class createVehicle [0,0,0]; // switch var to new vehicle at this point. _object = _newobject; _object setVariable ["ObjectID", _oid, true]; _object setVariable ["lastUpdate",diag_tickTime]; _object setVariable ["CharacterID", _characterID, true]; if (Z_SingleCurrency && ZSC_VehicleMoneyStorage && {_coins > 0}) then { _object setVariable ["cashMoney",_coins,true]; }; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,_object]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _object; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _object; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _object; _object setDir _dir; _object setPosATL _location; _object setVectorUp surfaceNormal _location; _object setDamage _damage; if (_colour != "0") then { _object setVariable ["Colour",_colour,true]; _clrinit = format ["#(argb,8,8,3)color(%1)",_colour]; _object setVehicleInit "this setObjectTexture [0,"+str _clrinit+"];"; }; if (_colour2 != "0") then { _object setVariable ["Colour2",_colour2,true]; _clrinit2 = format ["#(argb,8,8,3)color(%1)",_colour2]; _object setVehicleInit "this setObjectTexture [1,"+str _clrinit2+"];"; }; processInitCommands; [_weapons,_magazines,_backpacks,_object] call fn_addCargo; _clearTurrets = { //By denvdmj (probably, I found it on the biki) private ["_weaponArray","_findRecurse","_class","_obj","_turret","_mags"]; _obj = _this; _weaponArray = []; _weaponArray set [count _weaponArray,[-1]]; _findRecurse = { private ["_root", "_class", "_path", "_currentPath", "_thisThis"]; _root = (_this select 0); _path = +(_this select 1); _thisThis = _this select 2; for "_i" from 0 to count _root -1 do { _class = _root select _i; if (isClass _class) then { _currentPath = _path + [_i]; {_weaponArray set [count _weaponArray, _currentPath];} count getArray (_class >> "weapons"); _class = _class >> "turrets"; if (isClass _class) then {[_class, _currentPath, _thisThis] call _findRecurse;}; }; }; }; [configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf (_obj) >> "turrets", [], _this] call _findRecurse; { _turret = _x; _mags = _obj magazinesTurret _turret; {_obj removeMagazinesTurret[_x,_turret];} count _mags; } forEach _weaponArray; }; _isAir = _object isKindOf "Air"; { _selection = _x select 0; _dam = [_x select 1,(_x select 1) min 0.8] select (!_isAir && {_selection in dayZ_explosiveParts}); _object setHit [_selection,_dam]; } count _newHitpoints; _object setFuel _fuel; [_object,"all",true] call server_updateObject; _object call fnc_veh_ResetEH; // for non JIP users this should make sure everyone has eventhandlers for vehicles. PVDZE_veh_Init = _object; publicVariable "PVDZE_veh_Init"; {if (_object isKindOf _x) exitWith {_object disableTIEquipment true;}} count vkc_disableThermal; if (vkc_clearAmmo) then {_object call _clearTurrets;}; dze_waiting = "success"; (owner _activatingPlayer) publicVariableClient "dze_waiting"; if (_action == "") then { _message = format["PUBLISH: %1(%2) upgraded %3 with UID %4 @%5",(_activatingPlayer call fa_plr2str),_playerUID,_class,_uid,(_location call fa_coor2str)]; } else { _message = format["PUBLISH: %1(%2) %6 %3 with UID %4 @%5",(_activatingPlayer call fa_plr2str),_playerUID,_class,_uid,(_location call fa_coor2str),_action]; }; diag_log _message; };