private ["_dir","_IslandMap","_pos","_randomKey","_findIndex","_characterID","_playerObj","_spawnSelection","_inventory","_playerID","_dummy","_worldspace","_state","_doLoop","_key","_primary","_medical","_stats","_humanity","_randomSpot","_position","_distance","_fractures","_score","_findSpot","_mkr","_j","_isIsland","_w","_clientID","_lastInstance"]; _characterID = _this select 0; _playerObj = _this select 1; _spawnSelection = _this select 3; _inventory = _this select 4; _playerID = getPlayerUID _playerObj; #include "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_toggle_debug.hpp" if (isNull _playerObj) exitWith { diag_log ("SETUP INIT FAILED: Exiting, player object null: " + str(_playerObj)); }; if (_playerID == "") then { _playerID = getPlayerUID _playerObj; }; if (_playerID == "") exitWith { diag_log ("SETUP INIT FAILED: Exiting, no player ID: " + str(_playerObj)); }; _dummy = getPlayerUID _playerObj; if (_playerID != _dummy) then { diag_log format["DEBUG: _playerID miscompare with UID! _playerID:%1",_playerID]; _playerID = _dummy; }; _worldspace = []; _state = []; //Do Connection Attempt _doLoop = 0; while {_doLoop < 5} do { _key = format["CHILD:102:%1:",_characterID]; _primary = _key call server_hiveReadWrite; if (count _primary > 0) then { if ((_primary select 0) != "ERROR") then { _doLoop = 9; }; }; _doLoop = _doLoop + 1; }; if (isNull _playerObj || !isPlayer _playerObj) exitWith { diag_log ("SETUP RESULT: Exiting, player object null: " + str(_playerObj)); }; //Wait for HIVE to be free //diag_log ("SETUP: RESULT: Successful with " + str(_primary)); _medical = _primary select 1; _stats = _primary select 2; _worldspace = _primary select 4; _humanity = _primary select 5; _lastInstance = _primary select 6; _randomSpot = false; //Set position _state = [["",""],_primary select 3 select 0] select (count _primary >= 4); _dir = 0; //diag_log ("WORLDSPACE: " + str(_worldspace)); if (count _worldspace > 0) then { _dir = _worldspace select 0; _position = _worldspace select 1; if (count _position < 3) exitWith {_randomSpot = true;}; //prevent debug world! _distance = respawn_west_original distance _position; if (_distance < 2000) then {_randomSpot = true;}; _distance = [0,0,0] distance _position; if (_distance < 500) then {_randomSpot = true;}; //_playerObj setPosATL _position; // Came from another server force random spawn if (_lastInstance != dayZ_instance) then {_randomSpot = true;}; } else { _randomSpot = true; }; //diag_log ("LOGIN: Location: " + str(_worldspace) + " doRnd?: " + str(_randomSpot)); //set medical values if (count _medical > 0) then { _playerObj setVariable ["USEC_isDead",(_medical select 0),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["NORRN_unconscious",(_medical select 1),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["USEC_infected",(_medical select 2),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["USEC_injured",(_medical select 3),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["USEC_inPain",(_medical select 4),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["USEC_isCardiac",(_medical select 5),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["USEC_lowBlood",(_medical select 6),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["USEC_BloodQty",(_medical select 7),true]; //Add bleeding wounds { _playerObj setVariable ["hit_"+_x,true,true]; } forEach (_medical select 8); //Add fractures _fractures = _medical select 9; _playerObj setVariable ["hit_legs",(_fractures select 0),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["hit_hands",(_fractures select 1),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["unconsciousTime",(_medical select 10),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["messing",if (count _medical >= 14) then {(_medical select 13)} else {[0,0,0]},true]; _playerObj setVariable ["blood_testdone",if (count _medical >= 15) then {(_medical select 14)} else {false},true]; if (count _medical > 12 && {typeName (_medical select 11) == "STRING"}) then { //Old character had no "messing" OR "messing" in place of blood_type _playerObj setVariable ["blood_type",(_medical select 11),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["rh_factor",(_medical select 12),true]; // diag_log [ "Character data: blood_type,rh_factor,testdone=", // _playerObj getVariable ["blood_type", "?"],_playerObj getVariable ["rh_factor", "?"], _playerObj getVariable ["blood_testdone", false] // ]; } else { _playerObj call player_bloodCalc; diag_log [ "Character upgrade to 1.8.3: blood_type,rh_factor=",_playerObj getVariable ["blood_type", "?"],_playerObj getVariable ["rh_factor", "?"]]; }; } else { //Reset bleeding wounds call fnc_usec_resetWoundPoints; //Reset fractures _playerObj setVariable ["hit_legs",0,true]; _playerObj setVariable ["hit_hands",0,true]; _playerObj setVariable ["USEC_injured",false,true]; _playerObj setVariable ["USEC_inPain",false,true]; _playerObj call player_bloodCalc; // will set blood_type and rh_factor according to real population statitics //diag_log [ "New character setup: blood_type,rh_factor=",_playerObj getVariable ["blood_type", "?"],_playerObj getVariable ["rh_factor", "?"]]; _playerObj setVariable ["messing",[0,0,0],true]; _playerObj setVariable ["blood_testdone",false,true]; }; if (count _stats > 0) then { //register stats Global _playerObj setVariable ["zombieKills",(_stats select 0),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["headShots",(_stats select 1),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["humanKills",(_stats select 2),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["banditKills",(_stats select 3),true]; //ConfirmedKills _playerObj setVariable ["ConfirmedHumanKills",(_stats select 2),true]; _playerObj setVariable ["ConfirmedBanditKills",(_stats select 3),true]; _playerObj addScore (_stats select 1); //Save Score _score = score _playerObj; _playerObj addScore ((_stats select 0) - _score); missionNamespace setVariable [_playerID,[_humanity,(_stats select 0),(_stats select 1),(_stats select 2),(_stats select 3)]]; } else { //register stats _playerObj setVariable ["zombieKills",0,true]; _playerObj setVariable ["humanKills",0,true]; _playerObj setVariable ["banditKills",0,true]; _playerObj setVariable ["headShots",0,true]; //ConfirmedKills _playerObj setVariable ["ConfirmedHumanKills",0,true]; _playerObj setVariable ["ConfirmedBanditKills",0,true]; missionNamespace setVariable [_playerID,[_humanity,0,0,0,0]]; }; if (_randomSpot) then { if (!isDedicated) then {endLoadingScreen;}; _IslandMap = (toLower worldName in ["caribou","cmr_ovaron","dayznogova","dingor","dzhg","fallujah","fapovo","fdf_isle1_a","isladuala","lingor","mbg_celle2","namalsk","napf","oring","panthera2","ruegen","sara","sauerland","smd_sahrani_a2","tasmania2010","tavi","taviana","trinity","utes"]); //spawn into random _findSpot = true; _mkr = []; _position = [0,0,0]; _j = 0; while {_findSpot && _j <= 100} do { if (_spawnSelection == 9) then { // random spawn location selected, lets get the marker and spawn in somewhere if (dayz_spawnselection == 1) then {_mkr = getMarkerPos ("spawn" + str(floor(random 6)));} else {_mkr = getMarkerPos ("spawn" + str(floor(random actualSpawnMarkerCount)));}; } else { // spawn is not random, lets spawn in our location that was selected _mkr = getMarkerPos ("spawn" + str(_spawnSelection)); }; _position = ([_mkr,0,spawnArea,10,0,2,spawnShoremode] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos); if ((count _position >= 2) // !bad returned position && {(_position distance _mkr < spawnArea)}) then { // !ouside the disk _position set [2, 0]; if (((ATLtoASL _position) select 2 > 2.5) //! player's feet too wet && {({alive _x} count (_position nearEntities ["CAManBase",150]) == 0)}) then { // !too close from other players/zombies _pos = +(_position); _isIsland = false; //Can be set to true during the Check // we check over a 809-meter cross line, with an effective interlaced step of 5 meters _w = 0; while {_w != 809} do { //if (_w < 17) then { diag_log format[ "%1 loop starts with _w=%2", __FILE__, _w]; }; _pos = [((_pos select 0) - _w),((_pos select 1) + _w),(_pos select 2)]; if ((surfaceisWater _pos) && !_IslandMap) exitWith {_isIsland = true;}; _w = ((_w + 17) % 811); }; if (!_isIsland) then {_findSpot = false}; }; }; //diag_log format["%1: pos:%2 _findSpot:%3", __FILE__, _position, _findSpot]; _j = _j + 1; }; if (_findSpot && !_IslandMap) exitWith { diag_log format["%1: Error, failed to find a suitable spawn spot for player. area:%2",__FILE__, _mkr]; }; _worldspace = [_dir,_position]; //Fresh spawn, clear animationState so anim from last sync does not play on login _state = ["","reset"]; }; //record player pos locally for server checking _playerObj setVariable ["characterID",_characterID,true]; _playerObj setVariable ["humanity",_humanity,true]; _playerObj setVariable ["lastPos",_position]; _clientID = owner _playerObj; _randomKey = []; for "_i" from 0 to 12 do { _randomKey set [_i, (ceil(random 128)) + 256]; //Latin Extended-A characters not filtered in publicvariableval.txt }; _randomKey = toString _randomKey; _findIndex = dayz_serverPUIDArray find _playerID; if (_findIndex > -1) then { dayz_serverClientKeys set [_findIndex, [_clientID,_randomKey]]; } else { dayz_serverPUIDArray set [(count dayz_serverPUIDArray), _playerID]; dayz_serverClientKeys set [(count dayz_serverClientKeys), [_clientID,_randomKey]]; }; // Sync weather settings for JIP player _clientID publicVariableClient "PVDZE_SetWeather"; //PVCDZ_plr_Login2 = [_worldspace,_state,_randomKey]; PVCDZ_plr_Login2 = [[0,respawn_west_original],_state,_randomKey,_worldspace,_randomSpot,([_randomSpot,_playerID] call spawn_config)]; _clientID publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_Login2"; if (dayz_townGenerator) then { _clientID publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_plantSpawner"; }; //record time started _playerObj setVariable ["lastTime",diag_ticktime]; //set server-side inventory variable to monitor player gear if (count _inventory > 2) then { _playerObj setVariable["ServerMagArray",[_inventory select 1,_inventory select 2,_inventory select 0], false]; }; //Record Player Login/LogOut [_playerID,_characterID,1,(_playerObj call fa_plr2str),((_worldspace select 1) call fa_coor2str)] call dayz_recordLogin; PVDZ_plr_Login1 = null; PVDZ_plr_Login2 = null;