private ["_playerID","_endMission","_0","_1","_timeleft","_doLoop","_key","_primary","_model","_inventory","_backpack","_survival","_CharacterCoins","_group","_playerCoins","_BankCoins","_hiveVer","_mags","_wpns","_bcpk","_config","_isInfected","_remaining","_playerObj","_playerName","_newPlayer","_isNew","_charID","_isHiveOk"]; #include "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_toggle_debug.hpp" _playerID = _this select 0; _playerObj = _this select 1; _playerName = name _playerObj; if (_playerName == '__SERVER__' || _playerID == '' || local player) exitWith {}; // Cancel any login until server_monitor terminates. // This is mandatory since all vehicles must be spawned before the first players spawn on the map. // Otherwise, all vehicle event handlers won't be created on players' client side. if (isNil "sm_done") exitWith { diag_log ("Login cancelled, server is not ready. " + str(_playerObj)); }; _inventory = []; _backpack = []; _survival = [0,0,0,0]; _model = ""; _isInfected = 0; _CharacterCoins = 0; _group = []; _playerCoins = 0; _BankCoins = 0; if (_playerID == "") then { _playerID = getPlayerUID _playerObj; }; if ((_playerID == "") or (isNil "_playerID")) exitWith { diag_log ("LOGIN FAILED: Player [" + _playerName + "] has no login ID"); }; _endMission = false; _timeleft = 0; { //if ((_playerID select _i) in activePlayers) exitWith { diag_log ("Login cancelled, player has logged out within the past 2 mins. " + str(_playerObj)); }; _0 = _x select 0; _1 = _x select 1; _timeleft = diag_ticktime - _1; if (_playerID == _0) then { //If players last logoff is about the ghost timer remove player from ghost que. if ((_timeleft > dayz_ghostTimer) or (_timeleft < 0)) then { dayz_ghostPlayers = dayz_ghostPlayers - [_0]; dayz_activePlayers set [_forEachIndex, _0]; dayz_activePlayers = dayz_activePlayers - [_0]; } else { //if player is in died allow them passage. if (_playerID in dayz_died) then { dayz_died = dayz_died - [_playerID]; dayz_ghostPlayers = dayz_ghostPlayers - [_0]; dayz_activePlayers set [_forEachIndex, _0]; dayz_activePlayers = dayz_activePlayers - [_0]; } else { // Logoff time is not beyond ghost time and player didn't die _endMission = true; }; }; }; } forEach dayz_activePlayers; //Do Connection Attempt _doLoop = 0; while {_doLoop < 5} do { _key = format["CHILD:101:%1:%2:%3:",_playerID,dayZ_instance,_playerName]; _primary = _key call server_hiveReadWrite; if (count _primary > 0) then { if ((_primary select 0) != "ERROR") then { _doLoop = 9; }; }; _doLoop = _doLoop + 1; }; if (isNull _playerObj or !isPlayer _playerObj) exitWith { diag_log ("LOGIN RESULT: Exiting, player object null: " + str(_playerObj)); }; if ((_primary select 0) == "ERROR") exitWith { diag_log format ["LOGIN RESULT: Exiting, failed to load _primary: %1 for player: %2 ",_primary,_playerID]; }; //Process request _newPlayer = _primary select 1; _isNew = count _primary < 10; //_result select 1; _charID = _primary select 2; //diag_log ("LOGIN RESULT: " + str(_primary)); /* PROCESS */ _hiveVer = 0; if (!_isNew) then { //RETURNING CHARACTER _inventory = _primary select 4; _backpack = _primary select 5; _survival = _primary select 6; _CharacterCoins = _primary select 7; _model = _primary select 8; _group = _primary select 9; _playerCoins = _primary select 10; _BankCoins = _primary select 11; _hiveVer = _primary select 12; if !(_model in AllPlayers) then {_model = "Survivor2_DZ";}; } else { _isInfected = if (DZE_PlayerZed) then {_primary select 3} else {0}; _model = _primary select 4; _group = _primary select 5; _playerCoins = _primary select 6; _BankCoins = _primary select 7; _hiveVer = _primary select 8; if (isNil "_model") then { _model = "Survivor2_DZ"; } else { if (_model == "") then {_model = "Survivor2_DZ";}; }; //Record initial inventory only if not player zombie if (_isInfected != 1) then { _config = configFile >> "CfgSurvival" >> "Inventory" >> "Default"; _mags = getArray (_config >> "magazines"); _wpns = getArray (_config >> "weapons"); _bcpk = getText (_config >> "backpack"); if (!isNil "DefaultMagazines") then {_mags = DefaultMagazines;}; if (!isNil "DefaultWeapons") then {_wpns = DefaultWeapons;}; if (!isNil "DefaultBackpack") then {_bcpk = DefaultBackpack;}; //Wait for HIVE to be free _key = str formatText["CHILD:203:%1:%2:%3:",_charID,[_wpns,_mags],[_bcpk,[],[]]]; _key call server_hiveWrite; }; }; _isHiveOk = (_hiveVer >= dayz_hiveVersionNo); //EDITED /* if (count _inventory > 2 && {typeName (_inventory select 2) != "STRING"}) then { //Pre 1.0.6 character with Zupa 3.0 coins where dayz_onBack should be. Wipe coins and log playerID and amount to RPT. diag_log format["%1 - Updating pre 1.0.6 character inventory to add dayz_onBack. Coins have been wiped for PlayerID: %2 PreviousCoins:%3",__FILE__,_playerID,(_inventory select 2)]; _inventory set [2,""]; }; */ PVCDZ_plr_Login = [_charID,_inventory,_backpack,_survival,_isNew,dayz_versionNo,_model,_isHiveOk,_newPlayer,_isInfected,_group,_CharacterCoins,_playerCoins,_BankCoins]; (owner _playerObj) publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_Login"; //Make player wait until ghost timer is up. if (_endMission) exitwith { _remaining = dayz_ghostTimer - _timeleft; //Log For GhostMode diag_log format["INFO - Player:%1(UID:%2/CID%3) Status: LOGIN CANCELLED, GHOSTMODE. Time remianing: %4",_playerName,_playerID,_charID,_remaining]; PVCDZ_plr_Ghost = [_remaining]; (owner _playerObj) publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_Ghost"; }; //Sync chopped trees for JIP player {_x setDamage 1} count dayz_choppedTrees; if (toLower worldName in ["chernarus","chernarus_winter"]) then { //Destroy glitched map objects which can not be deleted or hidden {(_x select 0) nearestObject (_x select 1) setDamage 1} count [ //Clipped benches in barracks hallway [[4654,9595,0],145259], [[4654,9595,0],145260], //Clip into Land_houseV_2T2 [[3553,2563,0],327203], //popelnice.p3d trash can [[9649,10412,0],240641], //popelnice.p3d trash can [[12085,3581,0],373017], //popelnice.p3d trash can [[2632,5064,0],188661], //popelnice.p3d trash can [[11772,12195,0],251224], //lavicka_1.p3d bench [[2581,3456,0],1019127], //lavicka_2.p3d bench //Clip into zero_building Land_HouseV_3I3 [[2800,5202,0],187548], //popelnice.p3d trash can [[12876,8031,0],294873], //popelnice.p3d trash can //Clip into zero_building Land_HouseV_1L2 [[3656,2429,0],327885], //plot_rust_draty.p3d fence [[3656,2429,0],328107], //plot_rust_draty.p3d fence [[3656,2429,0],328108], //plot_rust_draty.p3d fence [[3656,2429,0],328109], //plot_rust_draty.p3d fence [[3656,2429,0],328110], //plot_rust_draty.p3d fence //Floating stump misc_stub1.p3d [[9084,8654,0],244480] ]; }; //Sync active group invites to JIP player if (count dayz_activeInvites > 0) then { (owner _playerObj) publicVariableClient "dayz_activeInvites"; }; //Record Player Login/LogOut [_playerID,_charID,2,(_playerObj call fa_plr2str),((getPosATL _playerObj) call fa_coor2str)] call dayz_recordLogin; PVCDZ_plr_PlayerAccepted = [_playerName,diag_ticktime]; (owner _playerObj) publicVariableClient "PVCDZ_plr_PlayerAccepted";