respawn = "BASE"; respawnDelay = 0; respawnDialog = 0; onLoadMission = "DayZ Epoch Napf"; OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to Napf"; OnLoadIntroTime = 0; OnLoadMissionTime = 0; disabledAI = 1; disableChannels[] = {0,2,6}; enableItemsDropping = 0; onPauseScript = ""; briefing = 0; debriefing = 0; titleParam1 = "AutoLogin:"; valuesParam1[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 31}; defValueParam1 = 1; //auto login time limit in seconds, set value to 31 to disable auto login textsParam1[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, "Disabled"}; loadScreen = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\loadingscreen.paa"; class Header { gameType = COOP; //DM, Team, Coop, ... minPlayers = 1; //min # of players the mission supports maxPlayers = 100; //Max # of players the mission supports }; aiKills = 1; diagRadio = 1; diagHit = 1; //#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\description.hpp" #include "dayz_code\gui\description.hpp" #include "rlnt\dialogs\rlnt_defines.hpp" /* RLNT - WeaponHUD */ class RscTitles { #include "rlnt\dialogs\rlnt_weaponhud.hpp" /* RLNT - WeaponHUD */ class wm_disp { idd = -1; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['wm_disp', _this select 0]"; fadein = 0; fadeout = 0; duration = 10e10; controlsBackground[] = {}; objects[] = {}; class controls { class wm_text2 { idc = 1; x = safeZoneX+0.027; y = safeZoneY+safeZoneH-0.16; w = 0.151*safeZoneH; h = 0.057*safeZoneH; shadow = 2; class Attributes { font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro"; color = "#24FFFFFF"; align = "left"; valign = "middle"; shadow = 2; }; colorBackground[] = { 1, 0.3, 0, 0 }; font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro"; size = 0.06*safeZoneH; type = 13; style = 0; text=""; }; }; }; }; #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\Configs\CfgLoot\CfgLoot.hpp" //#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\Configs\CfgServerTrader\CfgServerTrader.hpp" // Normal traders //#include "\z\addons\dayz_code\Configs\CfgServerTraderZSC\CfgServerTrader.hpp" // Single currency traders #include "CfgServerTraderZSC\CfgServerTrader.hpp" // Single currency traders #include "spawn\dialogs.hpp" #include "scripts\vkc\vkc.hpp" #include "scripts\virtualGarage\virtualGarage.hpp" #include "dialog.hpp" #include "scripts\remoteVehicle\remoteVehicle.hpp"