#include "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_toggle_debug.hpp" server_obj_pos = { local _object = _this select 0; local _objectID = _this select 1; local _class = _this select 2; local _position = getPosATL _object; //_worldspace = [round (direction _object),_position]; local _worldspace = [getDir _object, _position] call AN_fnc_formatWorldspace; // Precise Base Building 1.0.5 local _fuel = [0, fuel _object] select (_class isKindOf "AllVehicles"); local _key = format["CHILD:305:%1:%2:%3:",_objectID,_worldspace,_fuel]; _key call server_hiveWrite; #ifdef OBJECT_DEBUG diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key)); #endif }; server_obj_inv = { local _object = _this select 0; local _objectID = _this select 1; local _objectUID = _this select 2; local _class = _this select 3; local _inventory = call { if (_class == "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ") exitwith { _object getVariable ["plotfriends", []] //We're replacing the inventory with UIDs for this item }; if (DZE_doorManagement && {_class in DZE_DoorsLocked}) exitwith { _object getVariable ["doorfriends", []] //We're replacing the inventory with UIDs for this item }; if (_class isKindOf "TrapItems") exitwith { [["armed",_object getVariable ["armed",false]]] }; [getWeaponCargo _object, getMagazineCargo _object, getBackpackCargo _object] }; local _previous = str(_object getVariable["lastInventory",[]]); if (str _inventory != _previous) then { local _key = ""; _object setVariable ["lastInventory",_inventory]; if (_objectID == "0") then { _key = format["CHILD:309:%1:",_objectUID] + str _inventory + ":"; } else { _key = format["CHILD:303:%1:",_objectID] + str _inventory + ":"; }; if (Z_SingleCurrency && {(_class in DZE_MoneyStorageClasses) || {ZSC_VehicleMoneyStorage && (_object isKindOf "AllVehicles") && !(_object isKindOf "StaticWeapon")}}) then { local _coins = _object getVariable ["cashMoney", -1]; //set to invalid value if getVariable fails to prevent overwriting of coins in DB _key = _key + str _coins + ":"; }; #ifdef OBJECT_DEBUG diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key)); #endif _key call server_hiveWrite; }; }; server_obj_dam = { //Allow dmg process local _object = _this select 0; local _objectID = _this select 1; local _objectUID = _this select 2; local _forced = _this select 3; local _totalDmg = _this select 4; local _recorddmg = false; local _hitpoints = _object call vehicle_getHitpoints; local _damage = damage _object; local _array = []; local _allFixed = true; local _lastUpdate = _object getVariable ["lastUpdate",diag_tickTime]; { local _hit = [_object,_x] call object_getHit; if ((_hit select 0) > 0) then { _allFixed = false; _array set [count _array,[(_hit select 1),(_hit select 0)]]; //diag_log format ["Section Part: %1, Dmg: %2",(_hit select 1),(_hit select 0)]; } else { _array set [count _array,[(_hit select 1),0]]; }; } count _hitpoints; if (_allFixed && !_totalDmg && _forced) then {_object setDamage 0;}; if (_forced) then { if (_object in needUpdate_objects) then {needUpdate_objects = needUpdate_objects - [_object];}; _recorddmg = true; } else { //Prevent damage events for the first 10 seconds of the servers live. if (diag_ticktime - _lastUpdate > 10) then { if !(_object in needUpdate_objects) then { //diag_log format["DEBUG: Monitoring: %1",_object]; needUpdate_objects set [count needUpdate_objects, _object]; _recorddmg = true; _object setVariable ["lastUpdate",diag_ticktime]; }; }; }; if (_recorddmg) then { local _key = ""; if (_objectID == "0") then { _key = format["CHILD:306:%1:",_objectUID] + str _array + ":" + str _damage + ":"; } else { _key = format["CHILD:306:%1:",_objectID] + str _array + ":" + str _damage + ":"; }; #ifdef OBJECT_DEBUG diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key)); #endif _key call server_hiveWrite; }; }; server_obj_killed = { local _object = _this select 0; local _objectID = _this select 1; local _objectUID = _this select 2; local _playerUID = _this select 3; local _clientKey = _this select 4; local _class = _this select 5; local _key = ""; local _index = dayz_serverPUIDArray find _playerUID; local _exitReason = call { //Can't use owner because player may already be dead, can't use distance because player may be far from vehicle wreck if (_clientKey == dayz_serverKey) exitwith {""}; if (_index < 0) exitwith { format["Server_UpdateObject error: PUID NOT FOUND ON SERVER. PV ARRAY: %1",_this] }; if ((dayz_serverClientKeys select _index) select 1 != _clientKey) exitwith { format["Server_UpdateObject error: CLIENT AUTH KEY INCORRECT OR UNRECOGNIZED. PV ARRAY: %1",_this] }; if (alive _object and {!(_class isKindOf "TentStorage_base" or _class isKindOf "IC_Tent")}) exitwith { format["Server_UpdateObject error: object kill request on living object. PV ARRAY: %1",_this] }; ""; }; if (_exitReason != "") exitWith {diag_log _exitReason}; _object setDamage 1; if (_objectID == "0") then { //Need to update hive to make a new call to allow UID to be updated for a killed event //_key = format["CHILD:306:%1:%2:%3:",_objectUID,[],1]; _key = format["CHILD:310:%1:",_objectUID]; } else { _key = format["CHILD:306:%1:%2:%3:",_objectID,[],1]; }; _key call server_hiveWrite; if (_playerUID == "SERVER") then { #ifdef OBJECT_DEBUG diag_log format["DELETE: Server requested destroy on object %1 ID:%2 UID:%3",_class,_objectID,_objectUID]; #endif } else { diag_log format["DELETE: PUID(%1) requested destroy on object %2 ID:%3 UID:%4",_playerUID,_class,_objectID,_objectUID]; }; if (_class in DayZ_removableObjects || {_class in DZE_isRemovable}) then {[_objectID,_objectUID,_object] call server_deleteObjDirect;}; };