/* WARNING: Alive player objects are deleted by Arma shortly after onPlayerDisconnected fires because DayZ uses disabledAI=1 https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#disabledAI References to the player object after that point will return objNull, so this function and server_playerSync must be fast or the player will not save. */ private ["_playerObj","_playerUID","_playerPos","_playerName","_characterID","_inCombat","_Sepsis"]; _playerUID = _this select 0; _playerName = _this select 1; _playerObj = nil; //Lets search all players looking for the object that matches our UID //If the player just died then the new unit they respawned into will be found (respawnDelay=0 in description.ext) { if ((getPlayerUID _x) == _playerUID) exitWith { _playerObj = _x; _playerPos = getPosATL _playerObj;}; } count playableUnits; //If playerObj is not in playableUnits then lets exit the disconnect system. if (isNil "_playerObj") exitWith { diag_log format["INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is not in playableUnits. %1", _this]; }; //Player object is alive in debug zone. The player most likely just respawned. if (_playerPos distance respawn_west_original < 1500) exitWith { diag_log format["INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. %1", _this]; if (!isNull _playerObj) then { _playerObj call sched_co_deleteVehicle; }; }; //diag_log format["get: %1 (%2), sent: %3 (%4)",typeName (getPlayerUID _playerObj), getPlayerUID _playerObj, typeName _playerUID, _playerUID]; //If the the playerObj exists lets run all sync systems _characterID = _playerObj getVariable["characterID", "?"]; _inCombat = _playerObj getVariable ["inCombat",false]; _Sepsis = _playerObj getVariable["USEC_Sepsis",false]; //Login processing do not sync if (_playerUID in dayz_ghostPlayers) exitWith { //Note player is alive (see set in dayz_ghostPlayers below) diag_log format["ERROR: Cannot Sync Character [%1,%2] Still processing login",_playerName,_playerUID]; //Lets remove the object. if (!isNull _playerObj) then { _playerObj call sched_co_deleteVehicle; }; }; //Make sure we know the ID of the object before we try and sync any info to the DB if (_characterID != "?") then { //If the player has sepsis before logging off lets give them infected status. if (_Sepsis) then { _playerObj setVariable["USEC_infected",true,true]; }; //if player object is alive lets sync the player and remove the body and if ghosting is active add the player id to the array if (alive _playerObj) then { // High priority. Sync must finish fast before player object isNull [_playerObj,nil,nil,nil,_inCombat] call server_playerSync; /* Low priority code below this point where _playerObj is no longer needed and may be Null. */ //Punish combat log if (_inCombat) then { // Moved setVariables to server_playerSync since they are high priority // Messages are low priority. Player object not needed diag_log format["PLAYER COMBAT LOGGED: %1(%3) at location %2",_playerName,_playerPos,_playerUID]; [nil, nil, rTitleText, format["Player %1 combat logged at location %2.",_playerName, mapGridPosition _playerPos], "PLAIN"] call RE; // Message whole server }; if (dayz_enableGhosting) then { //diag_log format["GhostPlayers: %1, ActivePlayers: %2",dayz_ghostPlayers,dayz_activePlayers]; if (!(_playerUID in dayz_ghostPlayers)) then { dayz_ghostPlayers set [count dayz_ghostPlayers, _playerUID]; dayz_activePlayers set [count dayz_activePlayers, [_playerUID,diag_ticktime]]; //diag_log format["playerID %1 added to ghost list",_playerUID]; }; }; } else { //Done in server_playerSync above if player is alive {[_x,"gear"] call server_updateObject} count (nearestObjects [[_playerObj] call FNC_GetPos,DayZ_GearedObjects,10]); }; [_playerUID,_characterID,3,_playerName,(_playerPos call fa_coor2str)] call dayz_recordLogin; }; missionNamespace setVariable [_playerUID,nil]; if (alive _playerObj) then { _playerObj call sched_co_deleteVehicle; };