local _player = _this select 0; local _traderID = _this select 1; local _buyorsell = _this select 2; //0 > Buy // 1 > Sell local _classname = _this select 3; local _traderCity = _this select 4; local _currency = _this select 5; local _price = _this select 6; local _message = ""; local _playerUID = getPlayerUID _player; local _name = if (alive _player) then {name _player} else {"Dead Player"}; local _quantity = 1; local _container = "gear"; if (count _this > 7) then { _quantity = _this select 7; _container = _this select 8; }; local _checkItems = true; // Activate this to log all items within the '_watchClasses'. Specify the quantity with '_watchNumber' when the sold items will be logged. if (_checkItems) then { local _watchClasses = ["ItemBriefcase40oz","ItemBriefcase50oz","ItemBriefcase60oz","ItemBriefcase70oz","ItemBriefcase80oz","ItemBriefcase90oz","ItemBriefcase100oz","ItemTopaz","ItemObsidian","ItemSapphire","ItemAmethyst","ItemEmerald","ItemCitrine","ItemRuby"]; // Items to be logged local _watchNumber = 4; // Minimum number of quantity before logging occurs if (_quantity >= _watchNumber && {_className in _watchClasses} && {_buyOrSell == 1}) then { _message = format ["%1 (%2) could be duping! Selling %3x %4",_name,_playerUID,_quantity,_className]; diag_log _message; }; }; if (typeName _currency == "STRING") then {_price = format ["%1 %2",_price,_currency];}; if (_buyorsell == 0) then { // Buy _message = format["Trader Menu: %1 (%2) purchased %3x %4 into %5 at %6 for %7",_name,_playerUID,_quantity,_classname,_container,_traderCity,_price]; } else { // Sell _message = format["Trader Menu: %1 (%2) sold %3x %4 from %5 at %6 for %7",_name,_playerUID,_quantity,_classname,_container,_traderCity,_price]; }; diag_log _message;