/* Fire Base Camp by lazyink (Full credit for original code to TheSzerdi & TAW_Tonic) Updated to New Mission Format by Vampire Updated for DZMS 2.0 by JasonTM */ local _mission = count DZMSMissionData -1; local _aiType = _this select 0; local _coords = call DZMSFindPos; local _name = "Firebase"; local _localName = "STR_CL_DZMS_FB_TITLE"; local _hero = _aiType == "Hero"; local _markerColor = ["ColorRed","ColorBlue"] select _hero; local _localized = ["STR_CL_MISSION_BANDIT","STR_CL_MISSION_HERO"] select _hero; local _startTime = diag_tickTime; diag_log format["[DZMS]: %1 %2 starting at %2.",_aiType,_name,_coords]; ////////////////////// Do not edit this section /////////////////////////// //[position,createMarker,setMarkerColor,setMarkerType,setMarkerShape,setMarkerBrush,setMarkerSize,setMarkerText,setMarkerAlpha] local _markers = [1,1,1,1]; _markers set [0, [_coords,"DZMS" + str _mission,_markerColor,"","ELLIPSE","Grid",[200,200],[],0]]; _markers set [1, [_coords,"DZMSDot" + str _mission,"ColorBlack","Vehicle","","",[],[_localized,_localName],0]]; if (DZMSAutoClaim) then {_markers set [2, [_coords,"DZMSAuto" + str _mission,"ColorRed","","ELLIPSE","Border",[DZMSAutoClaimAlertDistance,DZMSAutoClaimAlertDistance],[],0]];}; DZE_ServerMarkerArray set [count DZE_ServerMarkerArray, _markers]; // Markers added to global array for JIP player requests. local _markerIndex = count DZE_ServerMarkerArray - 1; PVDZ_ServerMarkerSend = ["start",_markers]; publicVariable "PVDZ_ServerMarkerSend"; [_aiType,_localName,"STR_CL_DZMS_FB_START"] call DZMSMessage; DZMSMarkerReady = true; // Add the mission's position to the global array so that other missions do not spawn near it. DZE_MissionPositions set [count DZE_MissionPositions, _coords]; local _posIndex = count DZE_MissionPositions - 1; // Wait until a player is within range or timeout is reached. local _playerNear = false; local _timeout = false; while {!_playerNear && !_timeout} do { _playerNear = [_coords,DZMSTimeoutDistance] call DZMSNearPlayer; if (diag_tickTime - _startTime >= (DZMSMissionTimeOut * 60)) then { _timeout = true; }; uiSleep 1; }; if (_timeout) exitWith { [_mission, _aiType, _markerIndex, _posIndex] call DZMSAbortMission; [_aiType,_localName,"STR_CL_DZMS_FB_FAIL"] call DZMSMessage; diag_log format["DZMS: %1 %2 aborted.",_aiType,_name,_coords]; }; //////////////////////////////// End ////////////////////////////////////// // Spawn Mission Objects [[ ["MAP_fort_rampart",[8,-14],-30], ["MAP_fort_rampart",[-9,15],-210], ["MAP_fort_rampart",[-16.6,-8.9],60], ["MAP_fort_rampart",[16,10],-120], ["MAP_HBarrier5",[2.3,-8.5],-30], ["MAP_HBarrier5",[-8.9,-2.3],60], ["MAP_HBarrier5",[6.9,7.2],60], ["MAP_HBarrier5",[-6.1,6.8],-30], ["MAP_fort_watchtower",[4.4,14.3],60], ["MAP_fort_watchtower",[-15.3,2.3],60], ["MAP_fort_watchtower",[15.7,-2.5],-120], ["MAP_fort_watchtower",[-4.6,-14.1],-120] ],_coords,_mission] call DZMSSpawnObjects; [_mission,_coords,"DZ_AmmoBoxMedium1US","supply",[2,-4],-30] call DZMSSpawnCrate; [_mission,_coords,"DZ_AmmoBoxMedium1US","supply2",[-2,4],-30] call DZMSSpawnCrate; [_mission,_coords,"DZ_AmmoBoxMedium1US","weapons",[-5,-2.5],60] call DZMSSpawnCrate; [_mission,_coords,"DZ_AmmoBoxMedium1US","weapons",[5,3.3],60] call DZMSSpawnCrate; //DZMSAISpawn spawns AI to the mission. //Usage: [_coords, count, skillLevel, Hero or Bandit, Mission Number] [[(_coords select 0) + 12,(_coords select 1) - 23,0],6,0,_aiType,_mission] call DZMSAISpawn; [[(_coords select 0) - 24,(_coords select 1) - 13,0],4,1,_aiType,_mission] call DZMSAISpawn; [[(_coords select 0) - 13,(_coords select 1) + 25,0],4,2,_aiType,_mission] call DZMSAISpawn; [[(_coords select 0) + 26,(_coords select 1) + 14,0],4,3,_aiType,_mission] call DZMSAISpawn; // Spawn Static M2 Gunner positions if enabled. if (DZMSM2Static) then { [[ [(_coords select 0) + 18.45,(_coords select 1) - 8.41, 0], [(_coords select 0) + 12.85,(_coords select 1) + 18.51, 0], [(_coords select 0) - 18.09,(_coords select 1) + 9, 0], [(_coords select 0) - 13.46,(_coords select 1) - 17.78, 0] ],0,_aiType,_mission] call DZMSM2Spawn; }; // Start the mission loop. [ _mission, _coords, _aiType, _name, _localName, _markerIndex, _posIndex, "STR_CL_DZMS_FB_WIN", "STR_CL_DZMS_FB_FAIL" ] spawn DZMSWaitMissionComp;